开拓创新 抢抓机遇 高标准高质量实施退耕还林工程

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退耕还林是党中央、国务院总揽全局,从可持续发展的战略高度作出的重大决策,深得广大干部群众的衷心拥护。贵州在省委、省政府的领导下,紧紧抓住西部大开发、加快生态建设的机遇,按照国家林业局提出的“实施六大工程,推进五大转变,实现林业跨越式发展”的总体思路和目标,把全面推进以退耕还林为重点的生态建设作为林业发展的第一要务,与时俱进,开拓创新,以新的观念、新的思维、新的办法、新的措施,真抓实干,扎实工作,确保退耕还林工程的顺利实施。2000年至2003年累计完成退耕还林工程建设任务853万亩,其中退耕地造林完成461万亩,荒山造林完成392万亩。几年来,我省在退耕还林工程建设中的主要做法和体会归纳起来是:紧紧围绕一个中心,夯实两个基础,实现三个创新,突出四个重点,抓好五个落实。 Returning farmland to forestry is the major decision made by the Party Central Committee and the State Council in taking overall control of the overall situation and from a strategic height of sustainable development and won the heartfelt support of the broad masses of cadres and the masses. Under the leadership of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, Guizhou seizes the opportunity of developing the western region and accelerating ecological construction. According to the “Six major projects implemented by the State Forestry Administration, pushing forward the five major changes and realizing the leap-forward development of forestry” General ideas and goals, take the ecological construction focusing on returning farmland to afforestation as the top priority of forestry development, keep pace with the times, blaze new trails, take new ideas, new thinking, new approaches, new measures, Real work hard, solid work, to ensure the smooth implementation of the project of returning farmland to forest. From 2000 to 2003, a total of 8.53 million mu of tasks were completed in the project of reverting cultivated land to forests, of which 461 mu was returned for afforestation, and 3.92 million mu was afforested for barren hills. In the past few years, the main practices and experiences of our province in the construction of the project of converting farmland into forestry are summed up as follows: Focusing on one center, consolidating the two foundations, realizing three innovations, highlighting the four priorities and implementing the five commitments.
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