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从概念上来讲,“人文”的内涵要大于“语文”;也就是说,有许多“人文”的内容是在“语文”之外的。因此,在语文课程这个范畴内,有一些人文内容其实与语文教学是没有关系的。现在似乎有一种倾向,就是把“语文”与“人文”等同,这不管是在实践上还是理论上都是错误的。其直接的后果,就是语文教学的“泛语文化”倾向。“语文”与“人文”肯定有密切的联系,但二者又不是一回事。那么,它们二者到底是一种什么关系呢?我们觉得,这是当前语文教学改革中一个迫切需要解决的理论问题和实践问题。本期发表的两篇文章,对此作了简明而中肯的论述,应该可以给大家以启发。欢迎大家参加热点栏目的讨论。第3期的话题是:在中学语文教学中,“文体教学”不需要了吗?第4期的话题是:作文教学有没有一个体系,应该是一个什么体系?第5期的话题是:该不该为语文综合实践活动设立一个边界? Conceptually speaking, the connotation of “humanities” is greater than “language”; that is to say, there are many contents of “humanities” that are outside “language”. Therefore, in the context of the language curriculum, there are some cultural contents which are in fact not related to language teaching. Now there seems to be a tendency to equate “language” with “humanities,” which is wrong in practice and in theory. The immediate consequence is the tendency of “English culture” in Chinese teaching. There is certainly a close connection between “language” and “humanities”, but both are not the same thing. So, what is the relationship between the two of them in the end? We feel that this is an urgently needed theoretical and practical issue in the current Chinese language teaching reform. The two articles published in this issue have been concise and impartial. They should be inspired by everyone. Welcome everyone to participate in the discussion of the hot topics. The third issue is: In the teaching of Chinese in middle schools, is there a need for “style teaching”? The fourth issue is: Is there a system of composition teaching and what kind of system should it be? The topic of the fifth issue is: Shouldn’t we set up a border for language synthesis practice?
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弟弟打工遇难身亡获赔偿,不料兄长暗生邪念独吞赔偿金,由此引发一场父母兄弟叔侄之间的亲情官司,孰是孰非,法律自有公断。请看-- His brother was killed and was found dea
1月24日 晴  孤单是一个人的狂欢,狂欢是一群人的孤单。从此以后,日出与过去无关。  ——题记  风依旧刮着,空气的味道还没变,柳条仍然在摇曳,蝴蝶仍旧在狂恋着花,这里的一切都未曾改变。只是曾经的一群桀骜不驯的身影在日落的一刻消逝了,走到地平线的尽头。  风吹起如花般破碎的流年,我独自站在这片天底下静静的……发呆。半年之前,我们还踮脚站在友情的天空下,一起疯,一起哭,一起笑,一起走。  忘不了,
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