Development of a micro-indentation device for measuring the mechanical properties of soft materials

来源 :Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oo2009123456
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Indentation is a simple and nondestructive method to measure the mechanical properties of soft materials,such as hydrogels,elastomers and soft tissues.In this work,we have developed a micro-indentation system with high-precision to measure the mechanical properties of soft materials,where the shear modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the materials can be obtained by analyzing the load–relaxation curve.We have validated the accuracy and stability of the system by comparing the measured mechanical properties of a polyethylene glycol sample with that obtained from a commercial instrument.The mechanical properties of another typical polydimethylsiloxane sample submerged in heptane are measured by using conical and spherical indenters,respectively.The measured values of shear modulus and Poisson’s ratio are within a reasonable range. Indentation is a simple and nondestructive method to measure the mechanical properties of soft materials, such as hydrogels, elastomers and soft tissues. This work, we have developed a micro-indentation system with high-precision to measure the mechanical properties of soft materials, where the shear modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the materials can be obtained by accuracy of the load-relaxation curve. We have validated the accuracy and stability of the system by comparing the measured mechanical properties of a polyethylene glycol sample with that obtained from a commercial instrument. The mechanical properties of another typical polydimethylsiloxane sample submerged in heptane are measured by using conical and spherical indenters, respectively. The measured values ​​of shear modulus and Poisson’s ratio are within a reasonable range.
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