All-reflective self-referenced spectral interferometry for single-shot measurement of few-cycle femt

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An all-reflective self-referenced spectral interferometry based on the transient grating (TG) effect is proposed for single-shot measuring of the amplitude and phase of ultrashort pulses in a broadband spectral range. Except for a thin third-order nonlinear medium, which was used to generate the TG signal, no transmitted optics were used in the proposed device, and few-cycle pulses in a broad spectral range from deep UV to mid-IR can be characterized. With a homemade compact and alignment-free device, a 5.0 fs pulse at 800 nm corresponding to about two cycles and a 14.3 fs pulse at 1800 nm corresponding to less than three cycles were successfully characterized.
In this paper, we present a three-parametric model using Raman and fluorescence spectroscopy for detection and analysis of esophagus dysphasia and esophagus cancer. The model was set up from more than 1000 samples. And 56 samples were used to test this al
A numerical model is presented to predict the time-resolved evolution of the spatial intensity distribution of the laser pulses in the super-Gaussian mirror resonator, taking into account diffraction and stored energy depletion. The beam-quality factor M2
采用连续光纤激光器在小模数齿轮齿面制备1 mm厚的Ni60合金涂层,针对小模数齿顶较薄以及单道激光在齿轮中部能量过于集中易造成熔覆缺陷的原因进行分析,提出了采用双道激光在小模数齿面制备镍基合金涂层的方法,在保证激光总输入能量不变的条件下,将原有单束激光的能量按一定的能量配比方案分配到两个小光斑上,依次加工齿轮的齿顶和齿底。结果表明:采用双道1 mm 光斑按4∶6能量配比方案不仅减小了齿顶的烧蚀,还解决了齿轮中部能量过于集中的问题,涂层的稀释率显著降低,组织中含Fe、Ni的晶状奥氏体析出较少,富含Cr的粒状
Influence of interface roughness on the reflectivity of Tungsten/boron-carbide (W/B4C) multilayers varying with bi-layer number, N, is investigated. For W/B4C multilayers with the same design period thickness of 2.5 nm, a real-structure model is used to c