中铝宁夏能源集团银仪电力检修公司练内功 提质量 创效益

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近年来,中铝银仪电力检修公司按照“固本强基做强内部市场,发挥优势搏击外部市场”的总体目标,直面市场、把握机遇,强化内部管理,紧紧围绕“以质量求生存、以信誉求发展、以管理求效益、以服务求信任”的质量管理理念,通过多措并举,全力打造“银仪检修”品牌,提升经营效益。用标准化作业来保证检修质量,提高设备经济水平。今年以来,中铝银仪电力检修公司全面走向市场,以质量求生存已经成了公司搏击市场的根本和基础。在检修过程中,实行检修作业标准化,执行检修工艺准军事化,大力实施“7S”管理。承揽的兰铝自备电厂#2、#3机组B+修工作中,两台机组修后均实现了水压、冲转、并网三个一次成功,且工期分 In recent years, Chinalco Yin Yi Power Maintenance Company in accordance with the “solid base to strengthen the internal market, give play to the advantages of fighting the external market,” the overall goal of facing the market, seize the opportunity to strengthen internal management, closely around the “quality To survive, to the credibility of development, management for efficiency, service and trust ”quality management philosophy, through many measures simultaneously, to create“ silver instrument maintenance ”brand, enhance operating efficiency. With standardized operations to ensure the quality of maintenance, improve equipment, economic level. This year, Chinalco Yin Yi power overhaul company to a full market, quality of survival has become the company’s basic and fighting the market. In the overhaul process, the implementation of maintenance operations standardized, the implementation of overhaul process paramilitary, vigorously implement “7S ” management. Contracted blue aluminum-owned power plant # 2, # 3 unit B + repair work, the two units were repaired after the realization of the water pressure, red rotation, and the grid three times a success, and the duration
3月8日,省人大常委会副主任郑玉焯(左一)到省档案馆新馆工地视察,省档案局(馆)副局(馆)长王中明,省十二运基建办副主任祝国勋陪同前往。 On March 8, Zheng Yuzhuo, deputy
现在人们的生活越来越好,人们对生活的质量也提出了更高的要求,都希望吃得营养健康,又不影响形体。我想发明一种标准身材警报器, Now people’s lives are getting better
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