Theoretical Basis of the Application of English Songs in English Classes

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  Abstract:Based on the common theoretical basis on the study of the application of English songs in English classes, the paper discusses a few theories.
  Key words:the function of brain;intelligence;characteristics
  1.The function of brain
  According to some ideas of physiology, the functions of human brain hemispheres are not the same: left hemisphere is in charge of coping with the abstract and complicated thinking, to name a few, language, digit and others, while the right one is responsible for identifying music, environment as well as art①. The fact also suggests that there is no absolute in the sort of separated task, the mechanism of the two hemispheres of the brain is connected and complementary. When the brain cells are active, man is usually in a state of being excited, if not, inhibitory actions can produce. Only by utilizing the whole brain reasonably and refreshing the right hemisphere can brain produce its best possible results.
  2.The important role of Music intelligence
  Music intelligence plays an important part in advancing the development of the brain, exploiting the potential. Music intelligence mainly refers to the abilities of recognizing and memorizing the rhythm, pitch and expressing the mode of music. Armstrong, German American psychologist, artist and professor came up that perception is the basis of music, music education is the most powerful means of improving people’s perception, and this kind of perception is an indispensable part of thinking creatively in any special dome.
  The development of musical-rhythmic intelligence is concerned with the development of the verbal-linguistic one. The rhythm of speaking English depends on if the speaker’s language is idiomatic and natural, just like singing songs, no matter how many words a sentence contains, the time that is spent on any sentence is the same. A psychologist’s research shows “wonderful music can bring the excitement and pleasure to language learners, forward the physical and intellectual development and thinking capacity. Consequently, we can consider the process of learning English also as the process of the development of musical-rhythmic intelligence”.
  3.The urge to promote multiple intelligences
  Multiple intelligences of middle school students should be all-rounded developed and exploited in the process of teaching English. In order to take an effect on the best efficiency, scholars and experts from language field devote themselves to studying multiple intelligences. Language teachers, especially of English, ought to apply those suitable English songs which are within the present language level in English classroom of middle school, combining the changing melodies with English teaching so that the intelligence of musical-rhythmic and verbal-linguistic can be trained and stimulated accordingly.   4.Students’ psychological characteristics
  The psychological characteristic at the period decides the way in applying songs in English class. In accordance with the scientific study of the psychological activities, imaginary thinking transits to abstract thinking, and, abstract thinking depends on the imaginary one. Students prefer objects visualized and image-bearing, but, if they are made to mechanically recite words, sentences, even passages, they will easily get bored and dull, things may get stuck as well. However, if songs are introduced to the classroom, they listen and sing, with language and specific situation closely combined, things can differ. In this way, a vivid and lively atmosphere is born in the English class, pleasure is gained by those delighted students, a more powerful motivation is activated and the brain is refreshed and energized again.
  5.Students’ cognitive characteristics
  Students acquire knowledge in the process of having the perceptual knowledge changed into rational one. Applying English songs to teaching English is just a case in point. It mixes language knowledge with lyrics of different kinds to create a great unity of fun, abstraction and visualization, providing materials both perceptual and rational. As a result, a bridge built with melodies put students through to a better understanding of language, making students chin up and interested a lot.
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