In order to study the overall stability of longitudinal gob group under the action of external load, it is transformed into a planar rigid frame system, and the instability model of the rigid frame structure of longitudinal gob-area is established. Based on the frame structure model, Dispersion Criteria and Analysis Methods of Group. By analyzing the overall stability of gob-gondolume group consisting of multiple vertical cells, the reliability of the method is verified by numerical simulation and field engineering. The results show that the maximum tensile stress and the maximum vertical deformation of roof rock exceed the allowable threshold after the completion of the mound mining, and the goaf area is in a serious unstable state. Comparing the numerical simulation results, The maximum tensile stress and compressive stress of the particle are basically in agreement with the former, with similar changing trend and high fitting degree. The field project reveals that the roof of the upper middle section of the goaf collapse, the overburden rock collapses and the gob area intersects with the surface, verifying The method analyzes the reliability of the results.