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工程建设实行建设监理制,在我国已推行了10多年的时间,使我国的工程建设项目管理由传统的管理模式向社会化、专业化的模式转变。在项目法人与承包者之间引入了建设监理单位作为中介服务的第三方,以经济合同为纽带,以提高工程建设水平为目的,初步形成相互制约、相互协作、相互促进的新的建设项目管理运行体制。工程建设监理的核心是合同管理,合同管理的核心人物是总监理工程师。总监理工程师素质和能力的高低,直接影响到整个监理工作的 The project construction supervision system has been implemented in our country for more than 10 years so that the construction project management in our country will transform from the traditional management mode to the socialization and specialization mode. Introduced construction supervision units as intermediary services between legal entities and contractors, took the economic contract as a link and aimed at improving the level of construction projects, initially formed a new construction project management that mutual restraint, mutual cooperation and mutual promotion Operating system. The core of construction supervision is contract management. The key figure of contract management is the chief supervision engineer. Chief supervisor of the quality and ability of engineers, a direct impact on the supervision of the work
Under natural circumstances, the bed of fluvial river is composed of nonuniform sediment, and its nonuniform property influences very much the bed resistance an
A RANS solver is presented to numerically simulate the viscous wake of an appended revolution body with guide vane propeller at the Reynolds number 10 7. The
In this study, the characteristics of the long term discharge of a terraced paddy field catchment are studied. Two kind of tank models are proposed and used to
一、工程概述 新开沱河节制闸工程,位于安徽省五河县城北约1.6km的新开沱河与104国道交会处,是怀洪新河末级控制工程的组成部分。怀洪新河在山西庄分成两支,其中主要一支由
This paper presents a simulational result on a blinking traveling wave (BTW) state in binary fluid convection in a rectangular cell. The numerical simulations w
滞洪水库中堤共进行 5种工况下的堤坝抗滑稳定计算,结果为中堤是抗滑稳定的;渗透稳定计算结果为坡脚附近可能产生渗透破坏,在坡脚附近进行压坡处理可以解决这一问题;筑堤材料为非
通过对丹工口水利枢纽 2坝段—右 6坝的高程 1 4 3m水平裂缝采用“胶霸 6 0 0”、“LW”、“HW”和、“PBH”等新材料的处理 ,为混凝土坝裂缝的修补积累了经验。 Through th