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我镇地处随州市东北部,距市区18公里。随信公路贯穿全境,漂水流域贯通南北,享有“漂水明珠”随北第一镇之称。近年来,我们依靠市场抓调整,使农业生产步入全省“百强乡镇”行列;依靠地理、资源、人才优势,走内引外联,科技挖潜,强化管理,优化政策,纵横发展之路,使工企业生产得到跳跃发展。1991年,全镇工农业总产值5050万元,1992年上升到1.001亿元。1993年上升到1.56亿元,1994年有把握实现3亿元。在各地群雄并起,竟相赶超的发展大潮中,我镇为何能保持经济高速、高效、持续健康地发展。我镇党委、政府一班人认为:至关重要的是牢固坚持四个原则。一、牢固坚持思想领先的原则,不断解放思想换 My town is located in the northeast Suizhou, 18 kilometers away from the urban area. With the letter runs through the whole highway, drifting basin runs through north and south, enjoy the “drifting Pearl” with the North first town. In recent years, we have relied on market adjustment to bring agricultural production into the ranks of the “top 100 towns and villages in the province.” Relying on the advantages of geography, resources and talents, taking the lead in China and attracting foreign investment by science and technology, strengthening management, optimizing policies and developing in an all-round way , So that the production of industrial enterprises have been leaping development. In 1991, the town’s total industrial and agricultural output value of 50.5 million yuan in 1992 rose to 1.001 billion yuan. It rose to 156 million yuan in 1993 and 300 million yuan in 1994. In various parts of the world, we can catch up with the ultra-tide of development so that our town can maintain its economy with high speed, high efficiency and sustained and healthy development. My town party committee and government think that it is of utmost importance to uphold the four principles firmly. First, firmly adhere to the principle of leading ideas, constantly emancipate the mind
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本文主要介绍网络资源中常用的经济信息工具,图书资料工作者为读者提供查询时的检索策略和技巧,并运用到解决实际问题中去。 This article mainly introduces the economic
过去由于没有合适的陶瓷型芯材料,工厂在制造不锈纲、结构钢空心零件时不得不采用锻造毛坯经机加工、焊接密封等方法,这样不仅花费大量的锻造模具加工工时和费 In the past