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“教育是光明,无知是黑暗,我们必须从黑暗走向光明。”马拉拉就像一束黑暗中的火光,让长期处于黑暗中的人们看到了光明与希望。2012年10月9日,巴基斯坦斯瓦特山谷,一辆校车在公路上行驶着,车上坐着明戈拉市一所中学的师生们,车厢里歌声笑声汇成一片欢乐的海洋,谁也没想到,危险正一步步向他们迫近。两个黑衣男子在前方拦下了校车,上车后,他们一边巡视着车上 Education is light, ignorance is darkness, and we must move from darkness to light. "Malara is like a beam of fire in the darkness, allowing people in long-term darkness to see light and hope. On October 9, 2012, in a school in the Swat Valley of Pakistan, a school bus was traveling on the road, sitting in a middle school in Mingola, where the students jostled and jumped into a sea of ​​joy, Did not expect, danger is approaching them step by step. Two black men in front of stopped the school bus, the car, they patrol the car side
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【正】 去年,在查处某市农业银行马甸乡营业所主办会计贾××,利用工作之便挪用国库资金40万元一案过程中,发现在基层营业所、信用社个人贷款超期不还现象相当普遍。
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