
来源 :眼外伤职业眼病杂志(附眼科手术) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:geng20516136
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本文分析了用Q开关YAG激光治疗外伤性后发性白内障40眼。激光治疗后视力明显进步者36眼(90%)。视力恢复与激光的能量、次数及病程长短无关。激光后眼压升高大多在27mmHgCφ—K弹性眼压计以下,仅2例为术后高眼压(29mmHg)眼压升高者,均为残留皮质较多者,与激光次数过多有关。激光术后引起的角膜上皮损伤可能与术前滴麻醉药、测眼压及用角膜接触镜等有关。 This article analyzes the use of Q-switched YAG laser treatment of traumatic cataract 40 eyes. 36 eyes (90%) improved significantly after laser treatment. Vision recovery and laser energy, frequency and duration of the disease has nothing to do. Laser IOP increased mostly below the 27mmHgCφ-K elastic tonometer, only 2 cases of postoperative elevated intraocular pressure (29mmHg) intraocular pressure were higher residual cortex are more, with the laser number is too much. Corneal epithelial damage caused by laser surgery may be preoperative drip anesthesia, intraocular pressure and contact lenses and other contact with the cornea.
目的探讨参附注射液提高大鼠坐骨神经深低温玻璃化保存效果的可行性。方法 SPF级SD雄性大鼠坐骨神经分别在含有不同体积分数参附注射液(0、5%、10%、30%)的玻璃化液(A、B、C
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作者调查了本局测井公司接触射线工作的78名工作人员,以了解长期小剂量间断性接触中子,γ射线对晶体的影响,现报告如下: (一)观察对象及方法 78名石油测井工作人员均为长期
本文介绍了笔者运用控制论对篮球教学中的对持球员的防守动作、转身运球动作和纠正错误动作建立正确模式进行的试验。 This article describes the author of the use of cy