Application of Wavelet Packet De-noising in Time-Frequency Analysis of the Local Wave Method

来源 :International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jxysb250
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The local wave method is a very good time frequency method for nonstationary vibration signal analysis. But the interfering noise has a big influence on the accuracy of time frequency analysis. The wavelet packet de noising method can eliminate the interference of noise and improve the signal noise ratio. This paper uses the local wave method to decompose the de noising signal and perform a time frequency analysis. We can get better characteristics. Finally, an example of wavelet packet de noising and a local wave time frequency spectrum application of diesel engine surface vibration signal is put forward. The local wave method is a very good time frequency method for nonstationary vibration signal analysis. But the interfering noise has a big influence on the accuracy of time frequency analysis. The wavelet packet de noising method can eliminate the interference of noise and improve the signal noise ratio. This paper uses the local wave method to decompose the de noising signal and perform a time frequency analysis. We can get better characteristics. Finally, an example of wavelet packet de noising and a local wave time frequency spectrum application of diesel engine surface vibration signal is put forward.
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