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省府批示:当前动员和组织不能升学的高小和初中毕业生参加工农业生产劳动或其它适宜於他们担负的工作,乃是各级政府和各有关部门必须十分重视的一项重要工作。各级政府应把高小和初中毕业生看作是国家的宝贵财产,除一部分升学外,其余均应热情的帮助他们转到劳动生产岗位及其它工作岗位,并在劳动中和工作中继续提高他们的思想觉悟和文化、技术水平,把他们逐步培养成为社会主义社会全面发展的成员。因此,我们应向本届毕业的高小和初中学生普遍进行教育,使也们切实了解到:能升学固然是正当的、光荣的;不能升学而从事生产劳动也是正当的、光荣的;如果既不能升学又不能从事工农业生产,就应一面帮助家庭劳动、一面自修,待条件许可时从事生产劳动或继续升学。此外,还应教育广大干部和人民,使其了解:高小和初中毕业生的逐年增加是标志着人民文化水平的日益增长,为国家社会主义建设和社会主义改造提供了条件。所以吸收这些具有一定政治、文化水平的青年从事生产建设是提高劳动生产率的一个积极因素,对他们参加生产劳动应采取热烈欢迎的态度。同时还应当了解:小学教育是国民义务教育性质,所有工人、农民及其它人民群众,在受完义务教育之後,除其中一小部分优秀毕业生经过考试及格升学深造者外,绝大多数都应从事工农业及其它生产劳动,这是正常现象。那种认为凡高小、初中毕业生都应升学的看法是不封的,也是不可能的。教育厅「关于在全省高小和初中毕业生中进行劳动教育工作的报告」中,所提出的五项改进劳动教育工作的意见,是可行的,特印发供参考。 The provincial government has commended that the current mobilization and organization of high and young graduates who can not go to higher education and the participation of junior middle school graduates in industrial and agricultural production or other work suitable for them are an important task that all levels of government and all relevant departments must attach great importance to. Governments at all levels should regard the graduates of high school and junior high school as precious assets of the country and all others should enthusiastically help them to go to labor and other jobs and continue to increase their work and work hours, Their ideological awareness, culture and technological level have gradually trained them to become members of the all-round development of a socialist society. Therefore, we should educate the graduated high school and junior high school students in general so that they can understand that it is legitimate and glorious to go to higher education. It is also justifiable and glorious not to go to school and work productively. If both If they can not go to higher education and can not engage in industrial and agricultural production, they should help their families work on their own while they are engaged in productive work or continue their studies when the conditions permit. In addition, cadres and people should also be educated to make them aware of the fact that the gradual increase of high and young middle school graduates and gradual increase of junior high school marks the growing level of people’s education and provides the conditions for the nation’s socialist construction and socialist transformation. Therefore, absorbing those young people who have certain political and cultural levels to engage in production and construction is a positive factor in raising labor productivity and should take a warm and welcoming attitude toward their participation in productive labor. At the same time, we should also understand that primary education is a nature of compulsory education. All workers, peasants and other people after the completion of compulsory education, except for a small number of outstanding graduates who have passed the exams and passed the exams, should be It is normal for anyone to engage in agriculture, industry and other productive labor. Those who think Van Gogh, junior high school graduates should go to school are not closed, it is impossible. The Education Department’s “Report on Labor Education Work Among High and Small Middle School Graduates in the Province” made it possible for the five opinions on improving labor education to be specially made and printed for reference.
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