肛门肿瘤少见仅占直肠肿瘤的5%。起源于齿状线以下者称肛缘肿瘤,起源于齿状线或其上侧邻近组织者称肛管肿瘤。后者中的鳞状细胞癌较常见、恶性程度较高、常为未分化及溃疡型,仅约50%的病人可手术根治。为探求提高此类病人的疗效,作者对28例(男:女=11:17,年龄:42—79岁)累及齿状线的中度到低度分化的溃疡型鳞状细胞肛管癌试用了术前并用放、化疗的方法。28例中2例有腹股沟淋巴结转移,但均无远处转移,原发灶≤5 cm 者19例,>5 cm 者9例。全部于术前同一天
Anal tumors are rare and account for only 5% of rectal tumors. Originated in the dentate line, said anal marginal tumor, originated in the dentate line or its adjacent upper tissue called anal canal tumor. Squamous cell carcinoma in the latter is more common, more malignant, often undifferentiated and ulcerous, and only about 50% of patients can be cured surgically. In an attempt to improve the efficacy of these patients, the authors tested 28 patients (male: female = 11:17, age: 42-79 years) with dentate moderate-to-low-differentiation ulcerative squamous cell anal canal cancer. Preoperatively, radiotherapy and chemotherapy were used. Of the 28 patients, 2 had inguinal lymph node metastasis, but no distant metastasis. The primary lesion was 19 cm in 5 cm and 9 in 5 cm. All on the same day before surgery