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美国阿波罗登月计划总指挥韦伯曾说:“阿波罗计划中没有一项新发明的技术,都是现成的技术,关键在于综合”.由于综合的力量,才有了人类为之震惊的伟大创举——登月.科技需要综合,艺术也需要综合.综合是创造,但绝非凑合,它将对各构成因素作整体的研究和判断,并将其有效能量及规律特色聚集和挥发出来.综合是人类思维进程的发展,综合是文明社会进步的必然.景德镇之所以能成为举世瞩目的“瓷都”,也正是因为她自古至今“集天下名窑之大成,汇全国技艺之精华”,正犹如沧海的力量来自于千江万河的汇聚.景德镇艺术陶瓷博采众长为已用、广冶众家于一炉,品类繁多、技艺精湛、风格各异,其艺术魅力正是来自于综合的力量. Weber, chief commander of the United States Apollo lunar program said: “Apollo does not have a newly invented technology, are off-the-shelf technology, the key is integrated.” Because of the combined strength, there is the great shock of humanity Creation - Lunar. Science and technology need to be integrated, art also needs synthesis. Synthesis is to create, but by no means improper, it will make a comprehensive study of all components and judgments, and its effective energy and regulatory features gather and volatilize. Synthesis is the development of the process of human thinking, synthesis is the inevitable progress of civilized society.Jingdezhen has become the world’s attention “porcelain capital”, it is precisely because of her since ancient times, “set the world famous Kilns culmination, the essence of the National Skills” , Just as the strength of the sea comes from the convergence of thousands of rivers and rivers.Jingdezhen Art Ceramics Bocaizhongzhang for use, Guangye all in one furnace, a wide range, superb craftsmanship, different styles, its artistic charm is derived from the power of synthesis .
笔墨中华固有,具不可伦比之优:方便、质朴、耐久、出反差、生气韵、洒脱、流利、健美、通畅、养志、娱情——是艺术兼可修身,可忽视哉? 其籍体性、熔通变、臻练达、示风骨、
  Over the past decade basic and clinical research has demonstrated a therapeutic role for retinoids, in particular, retinoic acid (RA) in human cancer.Molecu
  Stem cells have immense potential for therapeutic use in regenerative medicine and as targets for anticancer therapies.To make use of this potential, we mus
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