High Strength Low Alloy (HSLA) Steels in Building Construction

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xqqsamsung
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Majority of the buildings,including industrial buildings,are constructed using either structural steel (plates and structural shapes) or deformed bar steel reinforced concrete.Such buildings,however,must be designed to be safe and serviceable during construction and during use and occupancy.These objectives can be easily achieved by the use of steels having superior mechanical properties,ductility,weldability,fire resistance,etc.Over the years,the steel industry has made improvements in steel making technologies resulting in high strength low alloy (HSLA) steels with superior steel properties well suited for building construction.First part of this paper presents the structural design considerations,and the constructional considerations associated with the building structures in general,and steel structures in particular.This second part of the paper looks at the acceptance criteria for HSLA steels for North American building codes and construction.The third part of the paper presents the structural properties of currently available HSLA steels for building construction.The discussion focuses on hot-rolled structural steel shapes as well as deformed steel bars for concrete reinforcement.The paper argues that Niobium microalloying is the key to achieving superior properties in such steels. Majority of the buildings, including industrial buildings, are constructed using either structural steel (plates and structural shapes) or deformed bar steel reinforced concrete.Such buildings, however, must be designed to be safe and serviceable during construction and during use and occupancy.These objectives can be easily achieved by the use of steels having superior mechanical properties, ductility, weldability, fire resistance, etc.Over the years, the steel industry has made improvements in steel making technologies resulting in high strength low alloy (HSLA) steels with superior first part of this paper presents the structural design considerations, and the constructional considerations associated with the building structures in general, and steel structures in particular. This second part of the paper looks at the acceptance criteria for HSLA steels for North American building codes and construction.The third part of the paper presents the structural properties of currently available HSLA steels for building construction. The discussion focuses on hot-rolled structural steel shapes as well as deformed steel bars for concrete reinforcement. The paper argues that Niobium microalloying is the key to achieving superior properties in such steels.
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