坚持党的基本路线切实加强党的领导 为革命做好护林防火工作——我局二十三年无森林火灾的几点体会

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我局地处小兴安岭南麓,全局面积十八万多公项,有四万五千多人口。解放前,由于日伪掠夺式的采伐和放火烧山,使大面积森林遭到严重破坏,人称“大荒沟”。一九五二年建局后,广大林业工人、干部坚决贯彻毛主席、党中央关于保护森林,并有计划地发展林业的一系列指示,在为国家生产木材的同时,十分注意培养和保护森林资源,把护林防火作为一件大事来抓。特别是经过无产阶级文化大革命和批林批孔运动,进一步贯彻落实了毛主席亲自批示的“九二·三”通知和国务院颁布的《森林保护条例》,坚持了“预防为主、积极消灭”的护林防火方针,发动群众,依靠群众,充分发挥公安机关、专业队伍和民兵组织的作用,实现了二十三年无森林火灾。通过抓护林防火工作,广大林业职工进一步磨炼了革命意 Our bureau is located in the southern foot of Xiaoxinganling, the overall area of ​​more than 180,000 public projects, with 45,000 people. Before the liberation, because of the predatory logging and the burning of mountains by the Japanese and the puppets, the large-scale forest was severely damaged, which was called the “Great Wadi.” After the establishment of the office in 1952, the vast number of foresters and cadres firmly implemented a series of instructions from Chairman Mao and the Central Party Central Committee on the protection of forests and the planned development of forestry. While producing timber for the country, great attention has been paid to the cultivation and protection of forests Resources, the forest fire as a major event to catch. In particular, through the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution and the campaign to criticize the proletariat and the proletariat, we further implemented the “September 23” circular as personally instructed by Chairman Mao and the “Regulations for the Protection of the Forest” promulgated by the State Council, insisting on the principle of “prevention first and actively eliminating it” Forest fire prevention policy, mobilize the masses, rely on the masses, give full play to the role of public security organs, professional teams and militia organizations to achieve 23 years without a forest fire. Through the forest fire prevention work, the majority of forestry workers to further exercise the revolutionary meaning
作者在澳大利亚新南威尔士州教养院的囚犯中 ,对乙型肝炎疫苗不同免疫剂量和丙型肝炎病毒 ( HCV)抗体阳性对抗 - HBs应答的影响进行了研究。  以 HBs Ag、抗 - HBs、抗 - H
还有哪坐城市能像伦敦一样将历史和现代完美结合?时间的痕迹印在每个角落,走在街头,却能感受到令人沸腾的活力。城市的分量,大概是由文化堆积起来的,各种各样的博物馆如丛林般次第排开。有幸体验伦敦的七日,是横扫餐馆满足味蕾的猎奇,也是精神上享受当代艺术的巡礼。  DAY1 艺术设计展  到达后的第一站是伦敦最富盛名的艺术设计展——PAD London Art and Design Fair。会有一位专家带
一、枝梢害虫危害林木枝梢的害虫种类较多,习性复杂,根据危害特点,可分为钻蛀、刺吸两大类: (一)钻蛀类:某些螟蛾、小卷叶蛾、透翅蛾、木蠹蛾的幼虫,钻蛀枝梢髓心,在内部形