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近年来已证实我国广东、广西、四川和云南等地区是遗传性红细胞6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶(简称G6PD)缺陷的高发区。在国内,G6PD缺陷所致急性溶血性贫血(包括蚕豆病、药物性溶血性贫血和感染性溶血性贫血)、新生儿高胆红素血症及慢性非球形红细胞溶血性贫血已陆续有不少报道。近年来国外对红细胞G6PD缺陷与病毒性肝炎之间的关系研究报道较多,国内报道尚少。病毒性肝炎是诱发红细胞G6PD缺陷者溶血的重要因素之一,严重溶血可促进肝坏死,引起急性肾功能衰竭而死亡。同时溶血的临床表现常被肝炎所掩盖,以致多被漏诊,或误为重型肝炎,造成不良后果。为了引起临床工作者的注意,特将近年来国外有关资料作一简介。一、急性黄疸型病毒性肝炎病者中G6PD缺陷发生率1963年Pitcher等报告病毒性肝炎可发生轻~中度溶血,偶有严重溶血者。1966年Burka等提出 In recent years, it has been confirmed that Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan and other regions of China are the high incidence of hereditary erythrocyte glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency. In China, acute hemolytic anemia caused by G6PD deficiency (including broad bean disease, drug-induced hemolytic anemia and infectious hemolytic anemia), neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and chronic non-hemoglobin hemolytic anemia have been a lot of Reported. In recent years, there are many reports about the relationship between G6PD deficiency of red blood cells and viral hepatitis in foreign countries, few reports in China. Viral hepatitis is one of the important factors that cause hemolytic G6PD deficiency in erythrocytes. Severe hemolysis can promote liver necrosis and cause acute renal failure. At the same time, the clinical manifestations of hemolysis are often covered up by hepatitis. As a result, many are misdiagnosed or mistaken for severe hepatitis, causing unpleasant consequences. In order to attract the attention of clinicians, especially in recent years, foreign information for a brief introduction. First, acute jaundice viral hepatitis in the incidence of G6PD defects 1963 Pitcher and other reports of viral hepatitis may occur mild to moderate hemolysis, occasionally severe hemolysis. 1966 Burka et al
在金秋收获的季节里 ,《第七届中国国际质量控制与测试工业设备展览会》(’2 0 0 2 .Q .C .China)暨《第七届中国国际无损检测技术及设备展览会》《第七届中国国际物理测试与材料试
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1996年3月8日 ,全国人大四次会议在北京召开。会议期间 ,河南省民权县北关镇清真寺阿訇丁广治代表与本省代表团分组审议李鹏总理的报告。在谈到加快扶贫开发 ,发展民族经济时 ,丁阿
Contemporary pharmacological research has demonstrated that puerarin, the most important phytoestrogen extracted from Pueraria lobata(Willd.) Ohwi, has protecti
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