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一、征文要求:文体不限,题目自拟。可对你最喜欢的初中语文课文进行赏析,可谈课文对你的影响,也可谈你对课文的教学思考等。学生文章字数在1000字以内,教师文章字数在2500字以内。文前请注明你最喜欢的这篇课文出自何种版本的教材、册别、出版社、出版时间。 First, the essay requirements: style is not limited, the title self-made. You can appreciate your favorite junior high school language texts, talk about the impact of the text on you, and talk about your thinking about the teaching of the text. The number of student articles is less than 1,000 words, and the number of teacher articles is less than 2,500 words. Please specify what version of the textbook, booklet, publisher, and publication date of your favorite text this article.
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