The Big, Big Picture

来源 :考试与评价·七年级版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:buffisher
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  Long ago the sky at night was black, but then a great man painted( 绘画) the sky. His name was Ram.
  At first, Ram made small pictures.
  “These pictures are nice,” people said.
  Ram thought, “They are not big enough.”
  Then he made a large picture. He painted it on the side of a house.
  People were pleased, but Ram was sorrowful (悲伤的). He wished to paint a larger picture.
  So one night he took a pot (罐) of gold paint.
  He climbed to the top of a mountain. He began to paint bright lights all over the black sky. We call these lights stars. Then Ram painted one big ball of light. Some nights you can see all of it. Some nights you cant. We call it the moon.
  (A) 判斷正(T)误(F)。
  1. The people were pleased when Ram made a large picture.
  2. The moon is not always full.
  (B) 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。
  1. Why was Ram sad while other people were pleased?
  A. Because he couldnt paint any more.
  B. Because people didnt think his pictures were nice.
  C. Because he didnt think the pictures were large enough.
  D. Because people wouldnt let him paint.
  2. What changed in this text?
  A. The painter.                B. The mountain.
  C. The sky. D. The pot of paint.
  3. What is the text mainly about?
  A. How to paint a picture. B. What the sky looks like at night.
  C. Where to climb a mountain. D. How we got the stars and the moon.
RAIN COLD TEMPERATURE  drizzle 毛毛雨 hail 冰雹 hot 热的  showers 阵雨 sleet 雨夹雪 warm 温暖的  downpour 倾盆大雨 snowflake 飘雪 cold 寒冷的  flood 洪水 blizzard 暴风雪
【写作指导】  介绍方位是初中英语写作中的常见话题,通常给出文字或图片提示要求描述特定的路线。写此类作文时,通常要注意以下两点:  1. 注意方位介词和地点名词的正确使用;  2. 能够准确描述给定信息或图示内容,注意句式及语法的正确使用。  【热身演练】 请翻译下列短语。  1. 在邮局前面 2. 在餐馆附近  3. 在医院对面 4. 在第一个十字路口左转  5. 沿着这条街走 6.
I. 根据首字母或汉语提示填写单词,完成句子。  1. Its cold and it often snows in the (北方) of China in winter.  2. You cant see me in the picture. Im (在……后面) my brother.  3. Dont (爬) the tall tree, boys. Its dangerous.  4.
一、连读  连读一般发生在同一意群(即意思密切的一组词)中,这一规律同汉语的连读情况相像。连读时,一个单词的末尾经常和下一个单词的开头连起来读。具体有以下几种情况:  1. 前一个单词以辅音结尾,后一个单词以元音开头,这时可以将前一个单词结尾的辅音与后一个单词开头的元音自然流畅地连读。例如:  not at all  a good idea  half a pound of meat  Look
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