深入学习领会十八届四中全会精神 努力建设法治央企、阳光央企——在党组中心组(扩大)学习会上的讲话

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党的十八届四中全会于10月23日结束后,集团公司于10月27日召开党组中心组(扩大)学习会,专题学习贯彻四中全会精神。集团公司董事长、党组书记周吉平在认真传达全会精神的基础上,结合集团公司实际,提出了四点意见:一、深入学习领会全会精神,把思想统一到中央重大决策部署上来;二、用全会精神推动依法治企,努力建设法治央企、阳光央企;三、领导干部要带头落实全会精神,严守政治纪律和政治规矩:四、做好当前生产经营工作,全面完成今年各项任务目标。根据本刊特性,现选发讲话的一、二、三部分。 After the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee ended on October 23, the Group Company held a party-centered group (enlarged) learning group on October 27 to study and implement the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session in a special manner. On the basis of earnestly conveying the spirit of the plenary session and combining with the actual conditions of the group companies, Zhou Jiping, chairman of the group chairman and party secretary, put forward four suggestions: First, deepen the study and understanding of the spirit of the plenum and unify the thinking with major decisions made by the central government; Third, leading cadres should take the lead in implementing the spirit of the plenary session and strictly observe the political discipline and political rules: Fourth, do a good job in the current production and management work and fully accomplish the objectives of this year’s tasks. According to the characteristics of our magazine, we now have the first, second and third parts of our speech.
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