
来源 :语文教学通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vctlu
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为了解决阅读教学及阅读测试中存在的问题,1990年高考后,本刊编辑部在全国二十多个省市的近百所中学进行了广泛的调查,请他们提出现代文阅读测试中需要解决的问题,共征集到问题一千余条。经过整理、精选,现选定问题153条,分:总体部分18题;语修逻文部分64题;文体部分25题;方法部分46题,所有问题的解答都分两部分,第一部分为理论解答,对问题给予简明扼要的阐释;第二部分为练习实例,针对问题设计练习,做到通过做题,确实能解决这一问题,提高阅读能力。从本期始,本刊每期以一定的版面连续刊登”现代文阅读测试百题问答”,但限于版面,只能选登其中一部分内容,全部内容,我们正在联系出版社结集出书,请广大读者注意本刊的预告。 In order to solve the problems in reading teaching and reading tests, after the college entrance examination in 1990, the editorial department of the periodical conducted extensive investigations in nearly a hundred middle schools in more than 20 provinces and cities across the country, asking them to propose solutions to the modern reading test. The questions were collected more than a thousand questions. After sorting and selection, 153 questions have been selected, including: 18 questions for the overall part; 64 questions for the part of the Logic; 25 questions for the style part; and 46 questions for the method part. All questions are answered in two parts. The first part is Theoretical answers give a concise explanation of the problem; the second part is an example of practice, designed exercises for the problem, so that by doing the problem, it can indeed solve this problem and improve reading ability. From this period onwards, this issue of the magazine publishes a series of “Hundred Questions for Modern Reading Test Questions” on a regular basis in each issue. However, it is limited to the layout and can only be selected as part of the content. We are contacting publishers to gather and publish books. The readers pay attention to the notice of this publication.
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目的 建立一种诊断肾移植受者巨细胞病毒(CMV)活动性感染的简便方法,并探讨其指导临床抗病毒治疗的价值. 方法 运用免疫组织化学的催化信号扩增法检测肾移植患者外周血白细胞中的巨细胞病毒磷蛋白(CMV pp65). 结果 100例肾移植受者中,44例CMV pp65抗原阳性,其中29例表现出CMV病的症状,其CMV抗原指数为(72±45)/2×105,而15例无症状CMV pp65抗原阳性者的CMV