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二00一年十一月二十九日,湖北省建设厅办公室以鄂建办[2001]22号文件,向全省通报了全省城建档案工作检查情况。此次检查于2001年8月27日开始,至9月16日结束,范围是省内59个市、县。从检查情况看,各市、县建委(建设局)、规划局对城建档案工作相当重视,已将其纳入了城市规划建设管理之中。98%的城市都建立了城建档案管理机构,并依据法律、法规实施了城建档案执法管理和业务指导,实行了“一书一证”制度。80%的市、县建立了符合标准的档案馆(库),城建档案保管条件基本符合规范。城建档案工作人员素质正在加强,98%的市、县城建档案管理人员都持有省 On November 29, 2001, the office of Hubei Provincial Department of Construction informed Hubei Province about the inspection of the entire province’s urban construction archives with the document No. 22 [2001] of Hubei Province. The inspection began on August 27, 2001 and ended on September 16, covering 59 cities and counties in the province. Judging from the inspection, all cities and counties Construction Commission (Construction Bureau), Planning Bureau considerable attention to urban construction archives, has been included in the city planning and construction management. 98% of the cities have established urban construction archives management agencies, and implemented the law enforcement and business guidance of urban construction archives in accordance with laws and regulations, and implemented the “one book one card” system. 80% of cities and counties established a standard archives (library), urban construction archives basically meet the requirements of custody. The quality of urban construction archives staff is being strengthened, 98% of city and county urban construction archives managers are holding the province
把房子固定住有个醉汉回家用钥匙开门,可是半天钥匙也没插进锁眼。一名警察刚好巡逻经过,便走过来说:“我来帮你开门,好吗?”“谢谢你。”醉汉回答说, Fixing the house, a
我们经常会发现一些考题,其表达的形式与其内在含义大相径庭,往往使学生作出相反的选择。请看2004年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(福建卷)的第25小题: We often find some
1.问:They are a promising generation中promising一词如何理解? 答:promising用作形容词,意思是“有希望的,有前途的”。promise可用作名词和动词。(1)作名词时,意思是“
序幕天神宙斯搞不懂人间到底有何魔力,竞让有的天兵天将也动了下凡的念头。他委派天使巡访人间,希望能找到一个满意的答案。于是,就有了以下的故事: Prologue Zeus did not