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50多年前,新生的共和国动用4万多峰骆驼组成大型驼队向西藏运输物资,平均每行进1公里,就要消耗12具“沙漠之舟”。5年前,一条铁龙横跨江河、穿越大山,把神秘雪域与内地紧紧相连。茫茫雪域,巍巍昆仑,见证了铁路建设史上的奇迹,见证了青藏铁路安全运营五年来给雪域高原带来的沧桑巨变。青藏铁路的通车推动了西藏自治区经济社会的发展与繁荣;方便了藏族与其他各民族的文化互动交流,增强了民族团结与融合;成为向南亚中亚施加影响与力量的桥头堡,稳 More than 50 years ago, the newly born Republic of Korea used more than 40,000 camels to form large caravans to transport supplies to Tibet. Consuming an average of one kilometer, 12 newborn camels would consume 12 boats. Five years ago, an iron dragon across the river, across the mountains, the mysterious snow-capped hinterland and the Mainland. The vast snow area and towering Kunlun Mountains have witnessed the miracle of the history of railway construction and witnessed the tremendous changes brought to the snow-covered plateau since the safe operation of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway in the past five years. The opening up of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway has promoted the economic and social development and prosperity in the Tibet Autonomous Region; facilitated the cultural interaction and exchanges between the Tibetan people and other ethnic groups and enhanced national unity and integration; and became the bridgehead for exerting influence and power on South Asia and Central Asia.
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文章以 7所三级医院为研究对象 ,分析了上海市全面实施城镇职工基本医疗保险制度对医院所产生的初步影响 ,显示在放开医保定点医院引入竞争机制后 ,专科医院医疗工作量明显上
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一我国医疗市场几年内将出现的变革趋势: ——医疗竞争将比想象的来得还要快。数量居于少数的民营医院和老百姓所谓的“洋医院”将率先从服务理念入手,抢占医疗卫生市场:同
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