来源 :Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:niujd
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Gallium is a valuable rare metal which is mainly being used in the production of GaAs. The demand for gallium is increasing but production is limited since gallium is extracted only as a by-product of bauxite processing. On the other hand coal, ironmaking coke and iron ore gangue contain traces of gallium. However little is known about the behaviour of gallium in ironmaking. The aim of the study is to clarify the distribution of gallium between hot metal, slag and top gas by means of laboratory experiments. It was found that Ga2O3 is not stable in blast furnace slags and that gallium is retained in hot metal. Vacuum distillation experiments with hot metal showed that gallium is not transferred to the gas phase. Data on the input and output of gallium at two industrial blast furnaces, as well as chemical analyses of the gallium content of several cokes are presented, too. Gallium is a mainly used in the production of GaAs. The demand for gallium is increasing but production is limited because gallium is extracted only as a by-product of bauxite processing. On the other hand coal, ironmaking coke and However little is known about the behavior of gallium in ironmaking. The aim of the study is to clarify the distribution of gallium between hot metal, slag and top gas by means of laboratory experiments. It was found that Ga2O3 is not stable in blast furnace slags and that gallium is retained in hot metal. Vacuum distillation experiments with hot metal showed that gallium is not transferred to hot gas. Data on the input and output of gallium at two industrial blast furnaces, as well as chemical analyzes of the gallium content of several cokes are presented, too.
近几年来,在国家支农惠农政策的指引下,尤其是在农机购置补贴政策的激励和拉动下,广大农民购置农机种粮积极性持续高涨,各 In recent years, under the guidance of the Sta
月亮姐姐:  你好!  平时,我都是坐在电视机前,做你的忠实小观众,投入地观看你主持的经典动画片。今天,我想邀请你到我的家乡来做客。  我的家乡叫射阳,地处黄海之滨,是一个美丽的海滨城市。相传射阳因精卫填海而成陆,由后羿射日而得名。  我们这里有一种美丽的动物——丹顶鹤,人们也称它为“仙鹤”,它是国家一级保护动物。我们这里是它的第二故乡。每到冬天,大约有一千多只丹顶鹤,从黑龙江扎龙地区飞到我们这里
柳声文学社,先后荣获“全国优秀文学社团”“全国百家优秀文学社”“湖南十佳文学社”“全国创新作文核心文学社”“全国文学社团先进单位”等荣誉称号;社刊《柳声文学》获得“首届全国中小学优秀校内报刊评选活动”最佳校刊一等奖、第六届全国校园文学百佳社刊(报)一等奖;学校被教育部关工委、中国写作学会等组织评审挂牌为“全国素质教育示范基地”“全国创新作文教育试验基地”。  自1999年11月创建以来,“柳声人”
2013年4月15日 晴  我参加过许多运动会,但这次趣味运动会却让我记忆犹新。  ——题记  趣味一:麻袋蹦蹦跳  看完比赛规则,同学们不约而同地做好了准备。  他们把麻布袋子从脚下往上套住,手抓两边聚精会神地听指挥员号令。  “开始!”  随着指挥员一声令下,同学们就像一只只袋鼠般往前方跳。每个班上的同学都扯长了脖子,为本班加油。刹时喧腾四起。我们班同学也不甘落后,使尽全身力量向前冲锋,跳到对
2010年12月2日 阴转多云  “嘀,嘀,嘀……”随着房门的打开,那刺耳的声音更近了。病房中弥漫着淡雅的花香,除了心电仪的哀鸣,只剩下死寂。他的全身缠满了绷带,呆呆地望着停滞在上空的天花板。一阵混着白光的风从门缝中漏进,掀开了泛黄的书本,一行文字映入眼帘:“人最宝贵的是生命……”  “妈妈,今天下午我们去游乐场吧!”他把眼睛睁得很大,像两颗黑色水晶。“好……好……好……”妈妈扶着他的小脑袋,声音
从来就没有什么救世主,也不靠神仙皇帝。要创造人类的幸福,金靠我们自己。  ——题记(摘自《国际歌》)  内容提要:  日记是当事人标明日期,将每天所遇到、所做过、所思考的连续纪实的笔记文章。书写日记使人类找到了:走出“其兴也勃焉,其亡也勿焉”周期率的手段。人的一生如果不背叛自己的童年,少年时心灵深处的真善美,坚持勤奋上进的好习惯,那么每个人都会成为杰出的人。长期积累,一闪念启示,是书写日记成功的秘
2012年10月13日 雨  手捧一杯清茶,端坐于室内,望着室外的潆潆细雨,渐渐滴滴嗒嗒地落在地上。  这些小精灵的舞姿出奇的美,每一次落地,都在跳一圈一圈优美的华尔兹,仿佛在和大自然比美。  打开窗户,会飘进一阵芳香的泥士气息,令人心旷神怡,更会沉浸于这大自然给予的每一份触动嗅觉细胞的清新。  站在细雨中,静静地接受天空给大地的洗礼,好清爽!和谐的篇章就是那份清爽和着小水珠,乱乱地砸下来,构成一