Method for fitting crystal field parameters and the energy level fitting for Yb~(3+) in crystal Sc_2

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gfpwxj
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A method to compute the numerical derivative of eigenvalues of parameterized crystal field Hamiltonian matrix is given,based on the numerical derivatives the general iteration methods such as Levenberg-Marquardt,Newton method, and so on,can be used to solve crystal field parameters by fitting to experimental energy levels.With the numerical eigenvalue derivative,a detailed iteration algorithm to compute crystal field parameters by fitting experimental energy levels has also been described.This method is used to compute the crystal parameters of Yb~(3+) in Sc_2O_3 crystal, which is prepared by a co-precipitation method and whose structure was refined by Rietveld method.By fitting on the parameters of a simple overlap model of crystal field,the results show that the new method can fit the crystal field energy splitting with fast convergence and good stability. A method to compute the numerical derivative of eigenvalues ​​of parameterized crystal field Hamiltonian matrix is ​​given, based on the numerical derivatives the general iteration methods such as Levenberg-Marquardt, Newton method, and so on, can be used to solve crystal field parameters by fitting to experimental energy levels. The numerical eigenvalue derivative, a detailed iteration algorithm to compute crystal field parameters by fitting experimental energy levels has also been described. This method is used to compute the crystal parameters of Yb ~ (3+) in Sc_2O_3 crystal, which is prepared by a co-precipitation method and whose structure was refined by Rietveld method. By fitting on the parameters of a simple overlap model of crystal field, the results show that the new method can fit the crystal field energy splitting with fast convergence and good stability.
河北杨(populus hopeiensis Hu et chow)又名串根杨。它树形高大,树杆通直,材质轻软而致密,坚韧而富有弹性,可制做器具、农具和建筑用材;它具有强大的水平根系,萌蘖力极强,