The Page Of Paper

来源 :第二课堂(英语版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rhux1069
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  Emma went to her room and sat down on her bed. On the floor next to her bed 1.___(be) her magic nickel(镍币). She picked it up.
  “I think I will use my magic nickel,” she said.
  She looked around her room. Next to her on her bed was 2.___ page of paper and a pencil.
  “Talk paper, talk paper, talk paper,” she said as she held her magic nickel.
  Poof! The page of paper stood up. It smiled 3.___ it looked around the room. It had two legs and two arms.
  “Hello, Mr. Paper,” said Emma.
  “Hello, there,” said the page of paper.
  “How do you feel?” asked Emma.
  “I feel grand(极重要的). I have always had to lie down since I was born. It 4.___(feel) good to stand up,” said Mr. Paper.
  “Now that you are standing up, what can we do?” asked Emma.
  “I think that you should tell me a story, and I will write it down,” said Mr. Paper. He picked up the pencil that was next to him on the bed.
  “Yes, that would be nice,” said Emma. Mr. Paper 5.___ (sit) down next to Emma with the pencil in his hand. Emma made up a story about how she could fly. Mr. Paper wrote down every word. When he had filled a page with words, he would take that sheet of paper off 6.___ put it on the bed next to him. He would then be wearing a new sheet of paper that he would use to keep on writing.
  “There, now you have a story about flying,” said Mr. Paper. “It is three pages long.”
  Emma read the story. It was just as she had told it to Mr. Paper.
  “This is grand,” said Emma. “Can we make 7.___ stories?”
  “Yes, we can,” said Mr. Paper. “Just tell me the stories, and I will write them down.”
  So Emma told the Mr. Paper three more stories. One story was about her dog. One story was about her cats. The 8.___ story was about Emma at school.
  After the last story, Mr. Paper said, “I need to rest. Please use the magic nickel and make me just a page of paper again.”
  “OK,” said Emma and she picked up the magic nickel. “Paper, paper, paper.”
  Poof! Mr. Paper was just a page of paper again. Emma picked up the stories that Mr. Paper had written down.
  “It is so cool that I have more stories to read. I think I will read them all right now,” said Emma. And that was what she did.
  1. was 2. a 3. as/when 4. feels 5. sat 6. and 7. more 8. last
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