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一、甜菜象(虫甲)甜菜象(虫甲)又叫象鼻虫,是甜菜苗期的毁灭性害虫.它的种类很多,但危害最重的,在北疆常见的是普通甜菜象(虫甲),在南疆常见的是黑象(虫甲).生活习性及发生经过:甜菜象(虫甲)一年发生一代,主要以成虫在土壤内蛰伏越冬,蛰伏深度15—20厘米,也有深达40厘米以上的,越冬场所主要是常年生长灰藜、白滨菜、猪尾菜等杂草的盐碱荒地上.此外,苜蓿、甜菜地也是它的孳生场所.当早春气温上升到8—10℃时,越冬成虫开始陆续出土 Beet elephant (insect) Beet elephant (insect), also known as weevil, is a destructive pest of beet seedling.Its variety, but the most harmful, common in the northern part of the common beet (like Pest), common in the southern border is the black elephant (pest) .Life habits and occurred after: beetle (pest) occurs a generation a year, mainly adult dormant in the soil overwintering dormant depth of 15-20 cm, There are deep as far as 40 cm above the winter is mainly the annual growth of quinoa, Shirahama, pigweed and other weeds on the saline wasteland .In addition, alfalfa, beet is also its breeding ground.When the early spring temperature rose to 8 At -10 ℃, the overwintering adults began to unearthed one after another
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阜阳市局 £4a 局长——_MINtkMMtgj’#lnH$B——q.M——D收束志不他只邀狲位J则【科校为先导推动地租工作.B为广为戳民U用凶盼引眯B.习.互们羹宽.互狈槽竺汹IAn.刊 办好杂志。必
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我场危害芦苇的杂草有3种:鸡矢藤、野苦瓜藤和奶浆藤。其中以鸡矢藤危害最严重,面积达2万4千余亩,平均每年损失芦苇5000多吨,计50多万元,而且受害面积在不断扩大。 鸡矢藤又
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Objective: To obtain recombinant human SDF-1β expressed in E. coli and purify SDF-lfi with bio-logical activity from the bacterium. Methods: A thioredoxin-SDF-