
来源 :浙江工艺美术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songjinyi2001
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计算机从1946年在美国诞生,发展至今已五十余年,它经历了第一代的电子管计算机(元件采用电子管),第二代的晶体管计算机,第三代的集成电路计算机,第四代的大规模集成电路计算机和当前新一代的计算机及PC家庭微机的发展过程。计算机作为20世纪科学技术的卓越成就之一,它的发展,不断推动计算机产业的发展。计算机有精度高、速度快,记忆强、自动化程度高等特点,所以也被广泛地应用于科学技术、国防和工农业生产等各项领域。浙江省工艺美术行业的计算机应用是在全国同行业中数起步最早的,自1984年至今的十多年里,已有地毯、抽纱刺绣、玩具、首饰等小行业的廿余家重点企业(据不完全统计),以企业自筹为主,国家拨款支持为辅,投入了几百万元巨资,应用电子信息技术这一高新技术改造传统产业,进行了计算机辅助设计(CAD),辅助制造(CAM)和管理信息系统(MIS)的 The computer was born in 1946 in the United States and has been developed for more than fifty years. It has undergone the first generation of electronic tube computers (components using electronic tubes), the second generation of transistor computers, the third generation of integrated circuit computers, the fourth generation of Large scale integrated circuit computer and the current new generation of computer and PC home computer development process. As one of the remarkable achievements of science and technology in the 20th century, its development has continuously promoted the development of the computer industry. Computer has high precision, fast speed, memory, high degree of automation, it is also widely used in science and technology, national defense and industrial and agricultural production and other fields. Zhejiang Province Arts and Crafts industry computer applications in the country with the industry started in the first few, since 1984 to the present more than 10 years, there are carpet, Artex embroidery, toys, jewelry and other small industries more than 20 key enterprises Incomplete statistics). With the support from the state-owned enterprises and supplemented by the state funding support, the company invested a few million yuan in huge amounts of money. Using high-tech electronic information technology to transform the traditional industries, it conducted computer-aided design (CAD) and assisted manufacturing (CAM) and Management Information System (MIS)
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