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“十五”时期,以发展为主题,以结构调整为主线,这将为科学技术、尤其是迅速发展的高科技提供广阔的用武之地。 高科技是国际间综合国力竞争的制高点 在高科技的推动下,全球正在加速从工业社会向信息社会过渡。世界各国高度重视运用以信息技术为代表的高新技术改造传统产业,加快结构调整和产业升级。发达国家普遍寄希 During the “Tenth Five-Year Plan” period, focusing on development and taking structural adjustment as the main line, this will provide a vast field for science and technology, especially the rapidly developing high technology. High-tech is the Commanding Height of Competition in International Comprehensive National Strengths Under the impetus of high-tech, the world is accelerating the transition from an industrial society to an information society. All countries in the world attach great importance to transforming the traditional industries with high and new technologies represented by information technology and speeding up structural adjustment and industrial upgrading. Developed countries generally send
对我院三年来发生的5例抗精神病药致下肢功能障碍,且未能完全恢复的原因作初步探访,现报道如下。 My hospital for three years occurred in 5 cases of antipsychotic-ind
Case PresentationA male patient,64years old,received esophagealcarcinoma radical surgery in Nov1989.In March1991,the symptomof coughtook place because of cold.H
当驾驶沃尔沃S40赛车的里卡德·莱德尔(Rickard Rydell)在刚刚落下帷幕的于英国银石(Silverstone)举行的1998英国房车赛(BTCC)的第25轮比赛中以第二名的名次冲过终点线的时
报道了掺硫NaCl晶体(F_2 ̄+)_H心的制备过程以及(F_2 ̄+)_H心的室温避光稳定性。讨论了S2-对F_2 ̄+的稳定作用和(P_2 ̄+)H制备过程中的缺陷化学反应.研究表明.促使F3心热分解成F心和控制好转型光的辐照剂量是制备高浓度、高纯
研究了试剂对乙酰基偶氮氯膦(CPApA)在非离子表面活性剂Triton X-100存在下与钪的β型显色反应条件。在硝酸介质中,Triton X-100可增敏钪与CPApA的显色反应,在波长724nm处络
【摘 要】工业自动化是现代先进工业科学的核心技术,是工业现代化的物质基石,是工业现代化的重要标志。文章主要介绍了我国现代工业自动化控制技术的发展现状。分析了其结构的主要特点,并对电气自动化今后的发展趋势做了些探讨。  【关键词】自动化控制:特点;原则;趋势  【中图分类号】F407 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-5158(2013)03-0153-01  1、前言  工業电气自动化这个专
The method of high-pressure hydrogen charging was used to investigate the internal hydrogeneffects on cryogenic mechanical properties of two Cr-Ni-Mn-N austenit