业绩不朽 风范长存——纪念任桂林先生百年诞辰

来源 :戏曲艺术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaojianan1987
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任桂林是戏曲改革的先行者和实干家,是集演员、剧作家、评论家、教育家、行政管理干部于一身的多面手,在各方面多有建树。他晚年曾担任中国戏曲学院副院长,分管戏文系、学院学报《戏曲艺术》等部门的工作。由他提议,将我从教学部门调到《戏曲艺术》,担任专职编辑。由于工作关系,与任老有较多的接触,深感他不仅是一位很有修养的领导,更是一位和蔼可亲的忠厚长者,其品德和学识皆为我的师辈。今年是任老百年诞辰,我将其艺 Ren Guilin is the forerunner and doer of drama reform. He is a multi-faceted one who is composed of performers, dramatists, critics, educators and administrative cadres and has done much in all fields. In his later years, he served as vice president of the Chinese Opera Academy, in charge of drama department, college journal “opera art” and other departments. He proposed that he be transferred from the teaching department to “opera art” as a full-time editor. Due to his working relationship, he had more contact with him than ever before. He felt deeply that he was not only a very cultured leader but also a loyal and affable older person. His character and knowledge were all my teachers. This year is the one hundred years old, I will be their art
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