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按照5月23日中国茶叶流通协会召开的“2007年全国茉莉花茶市场分析会议”的安排,中国茶叶流通协会组织有关单位和企业,在全国范围内对茉莉花茶市场的价格问题进行了调研。根据调查的情况看,由于各地和企业之间,花茶产品执行的标准不一致,使得价格差异较大,故制定行业适宜的花茶统一价格标准,目前仍难以操作。为帮助企业做好当前花茶的产销衔接和供应工作,经研究,我会决定转发广西横县人民政府报来的《横县茉莉花茶产业价格情况调研报告》。该报告对今年以来广西横县的花茶生产情况、生产成本变动情况等,都有详实的阐述。请各花茶生产、加工和销售企业,认真研究,在确定和调整花茶产品价格时参考。 In accordance with the “2007 National Jasmine Tea Market Analysis Conference” held by the China Tea Circulation Association on May 23, the China Tea Circulation Association organized relevant units and enterprises to conduct nationwide research on the price of the jasmine tea market . According to the investigation, due to the inconsistent standards implemented by tea flower enterprises across the country and the enterprises, the price difference is quite large. Therefore, it is still difficult to make a uniform price standard for the appropriate flower tea in the industry. In order to help enterprises do a good job in the current production and marketing of the flowering tea and supply work, after research, I will decide to forward Guangxi Hengxian People’s Government reported “Hengxian Jasmine tea industry price survey report.” The report on this year in Guangxi Hengxian tea production, changes in production costs, etc., have a detailed description. Please all flowers of tea production, processing and marketing enterprises, careful study, in determining and adjusting the price of tea products for reference.
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竞争力优势是美国哈佛大学教授麦克尔·波特(Michael Porter)在“Competitive Strategy”一书提出的产业竞争分析模式,企业为争取产业内的优势地位,采取的主动攻击或被动防御
Nanjing University is one of China’s key comprehensive universities and it functions directly under the Ministry of Education.It is located in the ancient capi