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命中注定似的,这一生与书结下了不解之缘;识字、读书,然后是教书——小学教书、中学教书、大学教书,并伴之以作文写书。虽或失业流浪,穷愁潦倒,奔波于硝烟炮火之中,倥偬于文稿编组之务,蹀躞于粉笔黑板之间,稍有余暇,总不忘披阅诵读,自得其乐;除非横祸飞来,天昏地暗,折磨凌辱,日月无光,未尝与书卷分离。如今年虽耋耄,视力且差,于“余热”中舞文弄墨之余,也下象棋,打麻将,却以为那趣味远不如阅读悠长。儿时,为什么要读书,绝对没有明确目的。既未赶上考秀才举人,也没有“学而优则仕”的奢望,无非依从传统习俗:小孩子总得上学。国民学校不收学费,也符合贫穷人家利益。于是读书了。国民学校新来的校长是位自命不凡、却连秀才也未捞到的文士。高年级学生激赏这位曾先生之处,是他勤勤恳恳讲授“国文”的教学态度和循循善诱的教学方法。这所国民学校,名义上四年毕业,实际并无毕业期限,只要学生高兴,可随意久读,和私馆没有什么不同。当我升上四年级的时候,曾先生授完了《共和国国文教科书》第八册即最后一本,他教我们读《古文观止》、《幼学琼林》以及《左传》、《读史随笔》、《东莱博议》等书。先生讲得津津有味,学生也听得兴味盎然。一周一次的作文——自然是文言文的——在先生的精心批改和激励之下。我对此道倍感兴趣。给小孩子的鼓励似乎是可以不惜工本的。对我的作文的批语, It was fateful that this life and the book had a close relationship; literacy, reading, and then teaching - primary school teaching, middle school teaching, university teaching, and accompanied by writing books. Although they are unemployed and wandering, poor and stumbling, running around in the fire of guns and cigarettes, lingering in the task of composing a manuscript, they linger in the middle of the chalk board. They have a little time, never forgetting to read and enjoy themselves, and enjoying themselves unless they pass by. Torturing and insulting, the moon and the moon are no light, and it is not separated from the books. Such as this year, although the vision is poor and poor, in the “remaining heat” in the dance, but also play chess, playing mahjong, but that is far less fun reading than long. When you were a child, why did you want to read? There was absolutely no clear purpose. Neither the fact that they did not catch up with Xiu Xiexi and did not have the luxury of “learning while being a good teacher,” is nothing more than a tradition of obedience: children always go to school. National schools do not charge tuition and are also in the interest of the poor. So read a book. The new headmaster of the National School was a scribe who was pretentious but did not even get a show. The senior students’ appreciation of this Mr. Tseng was his diligent and instructive teaching attitude and teaching methods of “Chinese language”. This national school, nominally graduating for four years, does not actually have a graduation period. As long as the students are happy, they can read it as long as they like. It is no different from the private library. When I was upgraded to the fourth grade, Mr. Zeng granted the last book of the “Republic of China National Textbook”. He taught us to read “The Classical View”, “Justice of Learning” and “Zuo Zhuan” and "Reading History Essays, Donglebo Discussion and other books. Mr. Speaking remarkably, students also listened with great interest. The once-a-week essay, which is naturally classical, is under Mr. meticulous correction and encouragement. I am interested in this road. The encouragement for young children seems to be able to spare no expense. The approval of my composition,
建立一支又红又专的后勤管理队伍,是搞好学校后勤工作的基本条件。我几年从事后勤管理工作的经验是: 一、选热心的人。学校后勤管理员既是学校的主人,又是师生的服务员。因
目的了解嘉兴市初中生手卫生知识和行为现状及影响其依从性的主客观因素,为开展手卫生健康促进工作提供依据。方法采用单纯随机抽样方法,抽取嘉兴市4所初中共1 302名学生进行
班级作为幼儿园实施教育的个体单位,不仅是办园理念、管理策略、家长工作和幼儿发展的最终落脚点,更是展示幼儿园的管理、教育教学研究及保教工作的窗口。而班长教师对班级工作的管理是幼儿园管理工作中最基础性的工作,他们全面负责班级的保教工作、家长工作,以及对班员教师和保育员教师的指导与管理工作等,在整个班级管理中起着主导作用,其角色定位直接影响着班级的工作效能、保教质量的提升和园所的整体建设与发展。  目前