A milestone in single-atom catalysis for direct formic acid fuel cell

来源 :国家科学评论(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:li1977323
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Single-atom catalysts (SACs) have opened up an era of great opportunities for catalytic science and industrial technology, and have fueled the rapid progress of catalytic research [1-3].SACs not only represent the ultimate atomic utilization efficiency of metal materials, but have also driven the quantitative-to-qualitative evolution of catalytic properties of materials brought about by size reduction.Thus, single-atom catalysis is a breakthrough in catalysis science towards atomicagy precise catalysis.
Contact interface properties are important in determining the performances of devices that are based on atomically thin two-dimensional(2D)materials,especially
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The six-membered ring(SMR)is a common structure unit for numerous material systems.These materials include,but are not limited to,the typical two-dimensional ma