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The strategic partnership between China and Russia is creating solid ground for the cooperative development of the Arctic.These two states’joint development of
【正】 我们的民族民间文学事业,同伟大的中华人民共和国一道,走过了三十五年的光辉历程。今天,在各族人民热烈庆祝建国三十五周年的日子里,回顾过去,展望未来,对于进一步推
【正】 今年以来,在党中央、国务院的统一部署下,云南城市经济体制改革有了较快进展,新事物、新经验层出不穷,面貌日新月异,一些过去较长时期踯躅不前的问题,今年陆续有所突
Content analysis of scientific papers emanating from Antarctic science research during the 25 years period (1980-2004) has been carried out using neural network
β-mannanase is an enzyme that is commonly expressed in environmental bacteria.It degrades hemicellulose found in plant material and recycles nutrients back int
To comprehensively understand the Arctic and Antarctic upper atmosphere,it is often crucial to analyze various data that are obtained from many regions.Infrastr
Located on the centre of ice drainage range, the highest Dome Argus (Dome A) of East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS), could be represented as an ideal site for deep
We studied five strains of psychrotolerant Bacillus cereus(B.cereus)isolated from Antarctic snow(BCsn),ice(BCic),lake water(BCwr),sediment(BCsd),and soil(BCsl)s
1前言 对于油罐及输油管道内壁防腐,国内外大多采用防商涂料,也有采用阴极保护或联合保护等其它方法的,而防腐涂料无论是单独使用,还是与其它方法联合使用,一直是最通用的。油罐防