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也许是清明节即将来临的缘故,也许过于多愁善感,连续几天梦见了仙世多年的父母,两位老人的音容笑貌萦绕在我的脑海之中,既挥之不去又忘却不了。父母生下我们兄弟姐妹六个孩子,三男三女。父亲五十、母亲四十二岁时才生下的我,因为我在家里最小,父母和哥哥姐姐们都很疼爱 May be the reason for the coming of Ching Ming Festival, perhaps too sentimental, for several days dreamed of the secular world for many years parents, two elderly people linger in my mind, lingering, not forgetting. Parents gave birth to our six brothers and sisters, three men and three women. My father fifty, my mother was born when I was 42, because I was the youngest at home, parents and older brothers and sisters are very fond of
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我不喜欢“乡愁”这个词,用得滥俗,再用都矫情。  但我坐在南卡罗来纳州Greenville市中心的一条河边看风景时,乡愁突然涌了上来。  其实景色平淡无奇。一群孩子们在一个人工小瀑布旁玩水,不断欢笑尖叫。旁边的河边有野鸭,水清澈得能倒映出这些野鸭每一根羽毛;一些老人搬着便携椅子坐在河边,时而看孩子,时而看野鸭。  有一点引人注目的是河对岸那个庞大粗糙的建筑,它曾是一个纺织厂,红砖高墙,现在窗户全无