
来源 :企业技术开发 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BLGKLING
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市场经济体制的不断深化改革,促使电力企业逐步开展改革,以适应市场多方面发展要求。电力企业要快速发展,必须改变观念,积极进行创新管理,提高电力企业的管理质量。文章主要深入分析电力企业管理现状,提出关于电力企业创新管理的有效途径。 The continuous deepening reform of the market economy system has prompted the electric power enterprises to gradually carry out the reform so as to meet the requirements of various market developments. Electric power enterprises to develop rapidly, we must change their concepts, and actively carry out innovative management, improve the quality of management of power enterprises. The paper mainly analyzes the current situation of power enterprise management and puts forward an effective way to innovate management of power enterprises.
<正>M ANY people think of Wenzhou, whose many small commodities such as lighters, shoes and locks are well known the world over, as a commercial city. Shops lin
摘 要:随着电力市场的逐渐加大,所以对燃煤需求急剧增加,优质煤质短缺,高水分褐煤逐渐占据电力市场大部分数额,要求磨煤机对煤质适应能力更广;DGS风扇磨煤机在国外得到大量实践应用,在国内有很好发展前景。  关键词:DGS;风扇磨煤机;细度;哈氏可磨;煤质;灰分  中图分类号:TH122 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-8937(2014)3-0070-03  1 工程概况  电厂计划新建两台2×
THERE are many designated special economic zonesand coastal cities in Guangdong Province. Foshan is not one of them, but its economic strength is nonetheless we
<正>RUBBER trees usually grow in scorching equatorial temperatures between the latitudes of 10&#176;South and 15&#176;North, but in China, those rules of nature
InterContinental Financial Street Beijing opened its doors on May 1st, 2005, just days before the world&#39;s business leaders flooded into town for the Fortune
摘 要:文章应用传热学基本原理对CPR1000机组临停期间一二回路传热进行了分析,从理论上对APG冷却一回路的运行方式进行了模型建立及理论计算,证明了该种运行方式的可行性。由于定量计算选用的是CPR1000机组的通用参数,因此具备推广应用的可行性,为后续同类机组临停期间保持该种运行方式提供了参考。  关键词:CPR1000;临停;APG;冷却  中图分类号:TK21 文献标识码:A 文章编号:10
为提高试验设计(Design Ofexperiment,DOE)方法在离心泵多工’尻设计中,建立的扬程与叶轮几何参数之间数学模型的准确性,以比转速为71.5的水力模型为例,选择叶轮叶片数、出口宽度、