Triple-Helix Structured Model Based on Problem-Knowledge-Solution Co-evolution for Innovative Produc

来源 :中国机械工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:airfly
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A design problem with deficient information is generally described as wicked or ill-defined. The information insuf- ficiency leaves designers with loose settings, free environments, and a lack of strict boundaries, which provides them with more opportunities to facilitate innovation. Therefore, to capture the opportunity behind the uncertainty of a design problem, this study models an innovative design as a composite solving process, where the problem is clarified and resolved from fuzziness to satisfying solutions by interplay among design problems, knowledge, and solutions. Additionally, a triple-helix structured model for the innovative product design process is proposed based on the co-evolution of the problem, solution, and knowledge spaces, to provide designers with a distinct design strategy and method for innovative design. The three spaces interact and co-evolve through iterative mappings, including problem structuring, knowledge expansion, and solution generation. The mappings carry the information processing and decision-making activities of the design, and create the path to satisfying solutions. Finally, a case study of a reac-tor coolant flow distribution device is presented to demonstrate the practicability of this model and the method for innovative product design.
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