
来源 :中国教师 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:karrou
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对于教师个体而言,他们的职业生涯感受是复杂多样的,有快乐与幸福,也有困惑、失望,甚至是厌倦。快乐与幸福是教师个人期望的,也是整个社会所期望的,对于就学的孩子们来说,更是幸福着教师的幸福、快乐着教师的快乐。然而,教师这一群体承载了太多的责任和义务,由于各种原因,部分教师对于职业生涯的感受是困惑的、失望的,甚至是厌倦的。本期主题稿件中,我们看到新教师的兴奋与迷茫和老教师的困惑与思考,也能感受到教师在教学、读书、研究和写作中的不懈追求;我们看到乡村教师在极度艰难的条件下的无奈,也看到他们在这种境遇下对教育的积极思考与执著追求。应当说,这些教师对于自己职业生涯的感受是真实的,但是需注意的是教师的这些职业感受是过程中的,随着人生经验的增长、社会的发展变迁、教师职业社会经济地位的变化,个人的职业感受也在不断的变动中。本刊编发这组文章,意在让教师述说心中从业感受,引导教师建立一种幸福而有品质的职业生活。 For the individual teachers, their career experience is complex and varied, with happiness and happiness, as well as confusion, disappointment, and even boredom. Happiness and happiness are what the teacher personally expects and what the entire society expects. For the children attending school, it is more happiness for teachers and happiness for teachers. However, this group of teachers carries too many responsibilities and obligations. Due to various reasons, some teachers feel puzzled, disappointed, and even tired of their careers. In this issue of the manuscript, we see the excitement and confusion of the new teachers and the confusion and thinking of the old teachers. We can also feel the teachers’ untiring pursuit in teaching, reading, research and writing; we see that rural teachers are extremely difficult Frustration under conditions, they also see their positive thinking and persistent pursuit of education in such circumstances. It should be said that these teachers’ feelings about their careers are true, but it should be noted that these professional feelings of teachers are in the process, with the growth of life experience, the development of society, and changes in teachers’ occupational socioeconomic status. Personal professional experience is also constantly changing. This magazine compiles this group of articles in an attempt to allow teachers to describe their feelings in their hearts and guide teachers to build a happy and quality professional life.
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