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6月16日,位于冀中坳陷饶阳凹陷留楚构造带楚12断鼻上的楚18井,在3110.6~3114m井段经江斯顿测试三开抽汲,喜获日产21.4t的工业油流。楚18井是华北石油管理局重点探井之一。经地质勘探公司等单位确定井位后,钻井二公司4556队于1月26日鸣机 On June 16, Chu 18 well, located on the Chu 12 fault nose of the Chuchu tectonic belt in the Raoyang Sag of the Jizhong Depression, was drained in the 3110.6 ~ 3114m well section by three tests of the Jiangsun test. The result was a 21.4t Industrial oil flow. Well Chu 18 is one of the key exploration wells of North China Petroleum Administration. After the geological exploration company and other units to determine the well, Drilling Company 4556 second team on January 26, the machine
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