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五行学说属于古代朴素辨证唯物论哲学的范畴,它与阴阳学说相辅相成,广泛的被古代医家用来解释人体生理、病理、诊断,治疗及人与自然界关系等各方面的问题,是祖国医学的基本理论和指导思想。对五行的规律作深入的探讨,于发展我国新医学和指导临床实践,都有着重大意义。江苏中医62年第一期刘一麟同志的“中医五行规律的探讨”一文,根据文献记载结合现代科学成就,整理了有关五行的规律,并提出了一些新的见解。兹本百家争鸣精神,把自己对五行规律的一些认识提出来,进行商讨,或许对问题的看法可能不够全面,请刘同志及同道们批评指正。 The theory of the Five Elements belongs to the category of ancient philosophy of dialectical materialism. It complements the theory of Yin and Yang and is widely used by ancient physicians to explain various aspects of human physiology, pathology, diagnosis, treatment, and the relationship between humans and the natural world. It is the basis of the motherland medicine. Theory and guiding ideas. The in-depth discussion of the laws of the Five Elements is of great significance in the development of new medicine in our country and in guiding clinical practice. Comrade Liu Yilin of the first phase of the 62nd year of TCM in Jiangsu Province wrote the article “Discussions on the Rule of TCM Five Elements”. According to the literature records combined with the achievements of modern science, the laws concerning the Five Elements were collated and some new insights were put forward. In this spirit of contending for the hundred countries, some of their understanding of the five elements of the law are proposed and discussed. Perhaps the views on the issue may not be comprehensive. Please ask Comrade Liu and colleagues to criticize and correct me.
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人参Panax schinseng Nees vo,Es。是五加科多年生草本植物。同属植物有五种,其中最有价值的是从苏联的远东地区以及中國和朝鮮北部的人参引种而得。在远东大森林中,发现有