Immunohistochemical expression of mismatch repair genes: A screening tool for predicting mutator phe

来源 :世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lixin062
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AIM: To clarify possible contributions of DNA mismatch repair (MMR) system in carcinogenesis of liver fluke infection-associated intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) by using immunohistochemical assay.METHODS: A total of 29 ICC samples, which had been assessed for genomic instability by a PCR-based method, were used for study. They were examined immunohistochemically to demonstrate protein expression of two MMR genes, hMSH2 and hMLH1.Results obtained were compared with their mutator phenotype assessed previously.RESULTS: Either hMSH2or hMLH1 protein was obviously expressed in 28 of 29 (96.6%) ICC samples.Positive nuclear localization of hMSH2 or hMLH1 protein was observed in 86.2% (25/29) or 93.1% (27/29) ICC cases, respectively, while their negative nuclear reactivity was only detected in 13.8% (4/29) or 6.9% (2/29) ICC cases analyzed, respectively.CONCLUSION: Our study, probably for the first time,showed through immunohistochemical detection of hMSH2 and hMLH1 gene that DNA MMR system does not play a prominent role in liver fluke infection-associated cholangiocarcinogenesis. These results confirm previous findings on mutational status of these genes assessed through a PCR-based method. The immunohistochemical analysis has proven to be an effective and sensitive approach for screening MMR deficiency regardless of somatic inactivation or promoter hypermethylation of hMSH2 and/or hMLH1 gene. Furthermore,immunohistochemistry is more advantageous compared to mutator phenotyping assay in terms of simplicity,less time consuming and cost effectiveness for screening possible involvements of target MMR genes in tumorigenesis.
1例42岁男性慢性乙型肝炎患者口服拉米夫定(100 mg,1次/d)和阿德福韦酯(10 mg,1次/d)治疗,约1个月后出现四肢肌肉酸痛、乏力,双下肢水肿.实验室检查:肌酸激酶9368 U/L,肌红蛋
重症急性胰腺炎(SAP)是一种常见的消化系统危重病,病情进展迅速,病死率高.在常规治疗的同时,早期放置鼻-空肠管(naso-intestinal tube,NT)、开放肠内营养已被证实有利于SAP患者的康复,减少感染等并发症发生[1-3].但若NT脱位,开口于胃腔或十二指肠腔,则给予肠内营养时营养液可能刺激胰腺外分泌,从而导致SAP病情加重.传统方法通过观察NT外露部分长度以监测其是否发生脱位,该
顽固的痘印,一遇到这6大杀手就仓皇而逃,不见踪影了。  编辑发言:珍珠粉和鸡蛋清都具有镇静和美白肌肤的功效,将两者混合在一起当面膜使用,不但肌肤会越来越柔滑,痘痘的痕迹也能慢慢变淡。    杀手锏    取一个鸡蛋的蛋清与10克珍珠粉相混合,均匀涂在脸上,避开眼部和唇部。尽量涂厚一点,不然会很快干掉,15~20分钟后洗掉。