
来源 :中外房地产导报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xynady
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近来,中国城市究竟有多少住房发展空间,已经成为一个颇受业内人士关注的热门话题。因为“只有弄清楚今后10年可能容纳的住房建设规划空间,才能瞻前顾后地提出调控年度住房建设规模的意见,保证住房建设的理性发展。” 值得注意的是,在众多的议论中,人们的立论依据较多的是住房的社会需要,比如,城市化进程,拉动GDP增长,提高居住质量,实施旧城改造等等,并据而得出今后10年住房有80亿m~2的需求空间,也有说在40亿~95亿m~2之间。这些数据,听起来颇能令人振奋。 然而,市场经济的法则是消费需求主导和决定生产供给。因此,只有住房市场上的 Recently, how much housing development space China’s cities actually have become a popular topic in the industry. Because “only by clarifying the housing planning space that may be accommodated in the next 10 years can we proactively put forward suggestions on how to control the scale of annual housing construction to ensure the rational development of housing construction.” It is worth noting that in numerous discussions, people’s arguments According to the social needs of housing more, for example, the process of urbanization, driving GDP growth, improve the quality of living, the implementation of the transformation of the old city and so on, and then come to the next 10 years housing 8 billion m 2 of space for demand, There are also between 4 billion and 9.5 billion m 2. These data, it sounds exciting. However, the law of the market economy is dominated by consumer demand and determines the supply of production. Therefore, only the housing market
轻纺行业是绍兴的传统产业 ,也是绍兴的支柱产业。经过二十多年的发展 ,绍兴轻纺行业已形成了由化纤、织造、印染、服装、领带饰品、市场交易组成的完整的产业链。但是 ,轻纺