The strategies of cultivating students’ intercultural communication competence under the background

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  【 Abstract 】China’s “One Belt And One Road” has become the most internationally influential initiative. Its solid and steady development trend has brought unprecedented new development opportunities and driving forces for various countries in economy, culture and education. Under this background, talents are even more important. It has become the primary task of universities to cultivate talents who have both native culture and foreign culture and can communicate fluently in foreign languages. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the importance of intercultural communication competence and the strategies for cultivating talents, so as to guide future English teaching practice.
  【 Key words 】Cross-cultural communication; talent training; English teaching
  【作者簡介】Malin,Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology.
  Ⅰ.Definition of intercultural communication competence
  In 1999, professor Hu Wenzhong put forward his own authoritative opinion on its meaning. It is pointed out that cross-cultural communication is the communication among people with different cultural backgrounds. Due to their different cultural backgrounds, local customs, values, personal beliefs, etc., people will receive and transmit information according to their own understanding. In this process, due to the lack of mutual cultural understanding among them, it is easy to cause language communication barriers.
  Ⅱ.Current situation of intercultural communication
  For many years, we have stressed the importance of reform in English learning, but in fact, we have given English a “tool” label. When it comes to English learning, people naturally use it as a tool for communication. We should know that English is not only a tool of communication, but also a means of transmitting the culture behind it. Therefore, in the future English public class teaching, we should pay attention to the cultural orientation.
  However, for students, due to the long-term influence of exam-oriented education, cross-cultural learning awareness is weak, is still lack of enthusiasm. English learning is faced with the awkward situation of not understanding and speaking. Then, there is still a gap between the spread and introduction of culture in the current English textbooks used in universities. Cultural teaching lacks emphasis, detail and systematicness, which cannot build a bridge for the cultivation of cross-cultural communication for students.
  Ⅲ. The strategies taken by teachers to cultivate students’ competence of cultural communication   Our English classroom design should reflect two aspects. First, we should continue to follow the traditional teaching of basic language knowledge. Vocabulary, grammar and language teaching should not be ignored. At the same time, strengthen the students’ ability of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating. In particular, language and cultural communication skills should be emphasized. In the teaching process, teachers should not directly enter the language learning points, but take a step by step and in-depth way to introduce the cultural background of the text, the deep and surface connotation of culture, and arouse students’ interests in cultural learning by asking questions. However, it is worth noting that teachers should correct students’ answers on time so that students can have a better understanding of the target culture. After class, the teacher can also arrange some extra-curricular reading about different cultures, let the after-class learning become a beneficial supplement to the learning in class. Finally, Vocabulary learning and translation learning are particularly important in all learning programs. It is particularly important to understand idiomatic foreign languages and learn how foreigners express themselves in cross-cultural communication.
  Ⅳ. Conclusion
  The vitality of college English courses in the new era lies in the orientation of courses with a high degree of cultural consciousness and the realization of effective interaction between culture and courses. College English teaching is influenced by many factors, such as social, cultural and environmental factors. We have found that the reform cannot only stay in the partial change of curriculum, we must seek its cultural support, so as to guide the important task of curriculum reform.
  [1]李宗桂.文化自覺与文化发展[J].中山大学学报(社会科学版), 2004(6):161-166.
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Note refers to signs and words during Consecutive Interpretation. In other interpreting forms, interpreters can use memory only to finish the delivery. Likewise, in CI, not memory, but notes consist o