开学前夕,北京市一一一中接到八中的一封信: “一一一中学负责同志和老师们: 一九八O年高等院校录取新生工作已全部结束,我们高兴地通知您们:我校徐瀚平同学(原您校初中学生)已被录取到北京大学学习。 该生在初中阶段,在德、智、体三方面都得到了比较好的发展,为高中阶段的学习打下了良好的基础。今天,他能考进大学继续深造,首先是您们辛勤培育的结果,为此,我们特向您们表示祝贺,并致深深的谢意!
On the eve of the opening of the school year, Beijing Municipality received a letter from the 8th Middle School: “One hundred and eleven high schools are responsible for comrades and teachers: In 1980, the admission of freshmen to universities and colleges has all ended, and we are pleased to inform you. :My schoolmate Xu Yuping (formerly your junior high school student) has been admitted to Peking University.The student got a good development in the three aspects of morality, intelligence, and physical development at the junior high school level, which made a good study for high school students. Based on the foundation, today he will be admitted to university and continue his studies. First of all, it is the result of your hard work. For this purpose, we would like to express our congratulations to you and express our deepest gratitude!