Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oil isolated from the cultured mycelia

来源 :Journal of Nanjing Medical University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nofengy
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Objective:To explore a new natural antibiotic. Methods:The chemical composition of the essential oil from Ganoderma japonicum (G. japonicum) mycelia was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS). The antimicrobial activity of the oil was evaluated against eighteen microorganisms,including bacteria,mildew and yeast by using a disc diffusion method. Furthermore,the minimum inhibitory concentrations(MIC) and the minimum bactericidal concentrations(MBC) of the essential oil against twelve clinical pathogens were determined. Results:The main components of the oil were nerolidol,decadienal,linalool and benzyl alcohol. The antimicrobial results indicated that the oil inhibited all the tested bacterium,especially Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in which the antibacterial activity exhibited a MBC of 1.03 mg/ml. Conclusion:The essential oil of G. japonicum mycelium has significant inhibitory activity. It is a potential medicinal resource that can be used as a natural antibiotic. Objective:To explore a new natural antibiotic. Methods:The chemical composition of the essential oil from Ganoderma japonicum (G. japonicum) mycelia was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS). The antimicrobial activity of the oil was evaluated against Eighteen microorganisms, including bacteria, mildew and yeast by using a disc diffusion method.,The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) and the minimum bactericidal concentrations (MBC) of the essential oil against twelve clinical pathogens were determined. Results:The main components of The antimicrobial results indicated that the oil inhibited all the tested bacterium,especially Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in which the antibacterial activity exhibited a MBC of 1.03 mg/ml. The essential oil of G. japonicum mycelium has significant inhibitory activity. It is a potential medicinal resource that can be used as a nat Ural antibiotic.
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