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《文献》杂志2003年第4期《简述国家图书馆藏革命历史文献中的伪装本》一文介绍了该馆收藏的伪装本若干。其中有一部伪装作周作人先生《秉烛后谈》的宣传中共工商业政策的小册子,收录了19篇中国共产党中央或领导人的讲话、报告等文件。笔者有幸也收藏有该本。现将有关情况补说如下: 据笔者查考,这些文件中成文时间最晚者为收在“谈卓文君”篇名下的《中国人民解放军平津前线司令部约法八章》,此文是1948年12月中旬,毛泽 “Journal of literature” 2003 the fourth period “brief history of the national library collection revolution in the text of the camouflage,” a article describes the museum collection of camouflage this number. Among them was a pamphlet pretending to be Mr. Chou Zuo-ren’s “candle-candle talk” propaganda of the CCP’s industrial and commercial policies, which included 19 speeches and reports by the CPC Central Committee and leaders. I have the honor of collecting the book. The relevant conditions are now supplemented as follows: According to the author’s examination, the latest of these documents is written in the text entitled “About Zhuo Wenjun,” the title of “Chinese People’s Liberation Army Frontiers Command 8,” this article is In mid-December 1948, Mao Zedong
Hollow Fe_3O_4(H-Fe_3O_4) microspheres were fabricated through a facile one-step solvothermal synthesis,which was performed in an ethylene glycol(EG)–diethylen
文章在介绍固阳县金山镇地理概况及现有防洪体系的基础上,提出防洪工程的标准及方案,并以环境影响评价为据,说明工程的可行性。 Based on the introduction of the geograph
文章分析了军队系统图书馆人才队伍建设的现状,探讨了军队系统图书馆人员应具备的素质,阐述了军队系统图书馆人才队伍建设的构想。 This article analyzes the status quo o
文章对应用“金盘图书馆集成管理系统GDLISXP”进行CNMARC著录中常见的错误进行了分析,并提出解决的办法。 This article analyzes the common mistakes made in CNMARC bib
Skipped polyol is a common motif in numerous biologically significant polyketides and has been the focus of the development of novel synthetic methods and strat
以新疆额敏县麦海因水库放水隧洞为例,详细介绍了水工隧洞底板及弧形边墙多种不同标号混凝土连续施工及其表面平整度控制的施工技术,为同类工程的施工积累了宝贵的经验。 Ta
刘丽君、于丽英主编的《漫游虚拟法律图书馆一在线法律资源研究指南》,是 Starr基金会资助的2002年清华大学法学院暑期项目成果,是目前国内出版的第一部关于法律电子信息资