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从社会经济发展的过程来看,如何塑造一个好的企业形象,一直是世界发达国家讨论的一个话题,并一直存在于公众心目之中。但是它在市场竞争中的作用则是随着科技的进步和市场竞争日益激烈才逐渐并为人们所重视的。由于生产和科学技术的发展,许多企业都能生产出品质几乎相当的同类产品,如果这些产品的性能、规格、价格甚至包装等方面相差无几又向顾客提供相似的促销手段,都是相似的广告投入,则它们之间在这几方面的竞争也就失去了决定性的意义。而与此不同的是,企业的声誉及社会影响力,品牌及知名度等即企业形 Judging from the process of social and economic development, how to shape a good corporate image has always been a topic discussed by the developed countries in the world and has always existed in the public mind. However, its role in market competition is gradually and apparently taken seriously by people with the advancement of science and technology and the increasingly fierce market competition. Due to the development of production and science and technology, many enterprises can produce almost the same quality of similar products, these products are similar performance if they are similar in terms of performance, specifications, prices and even packaging, and provide similar promotions to customers Investment, then the competition between them in these areas will lose the decisive significance. The difference is that the corporate reputation and social influence, brand and reputation that is corporate-shaped
造句是培养孩子语文能力不可缺少的基本功。那么指导孩子造句时要注意些什么呢?我认为要注意“七忌”。一、忌照抄课文。孩子造句时不动脑筋,照抄课文中的句子。这样一 Sen
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爸爸妈妈总这么说,小孩子该是无忧无虑的呀,可你们年纪小小,心事重重。孩子们说:不知什么时候我们发现了,我们是孤独的……请父母了解我们。☆发现孤独: ·那天肚子痛,我留
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