
来源 :语文教学通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuchenyk
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近年来,随着改革、开放、搞活形势的迅速发展,语文教学引进和运用系统科学方法论(即系统论、信息论、控制论,简称SIC科学),进行实验和改革,已经成为引人注目的新方向,并且展示着崭新的前景.系统科学是以“三论”为基础理论,以系统及其机理为研究对象的科学.“三论”不是平列的概念,而是以系统论为核心,用系统的观点和方法去控制信息系统,认识、改造客观世界的横向科学.一、系统论促进语文教学改革系统论的一些基本原则(如整体性、结构性、动态性、相关性等),对语文教学改革具有有益的启示.首先是整体性原则.就是把一切对象都看作是 In recent years, with the rapid development of reform, opening up and invigoration, the introduction and application of systems science methodology (ie system theory, information theory, cybernetics, SIC science for short) to teaching and learning of Chinese has become a new and attractive new Direction, and show a new prospect.Systemic science is based on “three theories ” as the basic theory, the system and its mechanism as the object of science. “Three theories ” is not the concept of parallel, but the system As the core, use the systematic viewpoints and methods to control the information system, and recognize and transform the horizontal science of the objective world.First, the system theory to promote some of the basic principles of the system of language teaching reform (such as integrity, structure, dynamics, correlation Sex, etc.), have a beneficial enlightenment on the Chinese teaching reform.First of all, the principle of holism is to treat all objects as
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