Academic Experiences and Psycho-social Status of International Students

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  Due to the impact of the increasing number of international students, there is more research on the engagement of international students, and most of them are focus on the academic experience or achievement of international students by using quantitative methods with utilizing survey data.
  There are many specific individual variables that interact with the adjustment of academic experience of international students. They included background variables such as gender; country of origin; length of stay in the U.S.; personality characteristics, such as willingness to seek counseling and utilization of psychological services; and situational factors. such as proximity to student’s own cultural group, relationship with the faculty, and student abilities in communication and his or her English language proficiency. A large body of research examined those variables and others for undergraduate and graduate students across particular disciplines, and in terms of specific demographic or competency variable(s).
  Sanford (2009) analyzed non-cognitive student variables and institutional characteristics with the purpose of predicting international graduate student success in U.S. Universities. The analysis in Sanford’s study showed a relationship between the noncognitive scores and the degree level, GPA, and time to degree, but failed to establish its significance. The findings emphasize academic discipline as a variable in studies on graduate students, where discipline moderates the predictive value of non-cognitive abilities on achievement.
  The literature, however, lacks an overarching theoretical framework for conceptualizing the development and nature of the academic experience of students. Altbach (1991) disputed that “much of the literature lacks theoretical importance”. Chang (1996) also argued that “the findings on international student adjustment have been inconsistent and inconclusive, in particular with regards to the adaptation processes”. Chang further suggested that “only when research is conducted to investigate multiple parameters of adaptation simultaneously can the dynamics and complexity of adjustment be best captured”.
  The other perspective to study on the student engagement of international students emphasizes psycho-social dimensions of the student experiences. Many empirical studies explored variables that were examined in relation to the level of adaptation of international students to living in the U.S. at particular institutions, using mixed methods or qualitative methods and mostly small samples. The literature in this perspective introduces new variables, some of which were interpreted within a framework of acculturation in a new environment, such as adaptation, coping, and adjustment; the availability and utilization of academic and social support networks and services; student understanding of the American academic system; and the challenges students face due to lack of English proficiency.   Mori (2000) examined the sources of psychological problems and mental health of international students which are a diverse and increasing population whose unique concerns are traditionally overlooked on the American college campus. The demands for cultural adjustments frequently place international students at greater risk for various psychological problems than students in general. Establishing sufficient and readily accessible mental health services is significant for them. They need more existing counseling services and culturally sensitive services. Student engagement always includes a psychological and behavioral component and a sense of belonging and participation. Mental health is part of the psychological component. There are few studies about the mental health of international students, and the majority of the research focuses on the academic performance of international students.
  There is also the research which focuses on the role of culture. Yakunina et al. (2013) proposes that international students are often encouraged to cope with acculturative stress by relying on personal and multicultural strengths. The authors explored this assumption by testing personal growth initiative, hardiness, and universal-diverse orientation as predictors of international students’ acculturative stress and adjustment. In sum, the researchers from the psycho-social dimensions still need development. Mix method or qualitative method are necessary in engagement of international students, which could make people know how they really see and feel.
王玲 编著  费嘉 绘    毛熊很漂亮,也很聪明。可是,小朋友们都不喜欢和他玩。这是为什么呢?因为他爱哭闹。  毛毛熊和小狗一起拍皮球。小狗能拍50下,可是毛毛熊只能拍10下。毛毛熊拍呀拍呀,怎么也拍不过小狗。毛毛熊气得大发脾气,把皮球扔了很远。小狗不高兴了,他说:“毛毛熊,你怎么又发脾气了?我就不和你玩了。”毛毛熊听小狗这么一说,反而哭了起来。看到毛毛熊哭个不停,小狗生气地走了。  毛毛熊又去
【Abstract】The paper tries to make an exploration on human value of struggle for the artistic concentration of Hemingway’s view of life based on The Old Man and the Sea which shows an issue on Human’s
【摘要】随着教育供给侧结构性改革的深入推进,医学英语作为专门用途英语的一个重要分支,暴露出许多突出的问题。本文以教育供给侧结构性改革为视阈,对这些问题进行了深入的剖析。在创新驱动发展战略的时代背景下,本文针对医学英语教学供给侧出现的问题提出了相应的改革路径与对策,力求能够为医学英语教育改革注入新动力。  【关键词】教育供给侧结构性改革;医学英语教育  【作者简介】宋茜,大连医科大学外语教研部。  
【摘要】在听、说、读、写四项英语语言基本技能中,写作成为很多初中生的“拦路虎”,即便已经掌握了一定的词汇、句型和篇章框架,写作中仍难免出现各种各样的问题,甚至产生畏惧写作的心理。为了提升学生的写作能力,本人从实际教学及教材出发,以每单元话题为主线,引导学生从三个不同维度锻炼写作能力,提升写作自信。  【关键词】初中英语;写作能力;维度;话题  【作者简介】杨月娇(1987.01-),女,云南大理人
这段时间,我们对近几年中考英语试卷进行了抽样调查,发现英语写作是大部分学生得分最为薄弱的一个题项。写作是必考题型之一,分值占整份卷子的十分之一,不容小觑。因此,如何提高学生的写作能力就成了初中教师在教学中亟待解决的问题之一。  通常情况下,英语写作教学都是按照:词—句—篇顺序。“词”是写作的基础,因此就要求学生坚持每天学,巩固单词。“句”是过度,用词造句或连词成句,或模仿例句进行大量口、笔头练习,
“党建路桥工程”是北京建筑工程学院基层党组织创先争优活动的品牌活动,实施“党建路桥工程”,在强化党组织服务功能中创先争优是学校党委加强基层党组织建设的重要举措。校党委注重引导党支部紧紧围绕中心工作开展创先争优活动,带领党员实施“党建路桥工程”,在推动学校发展、强化党组织服务功能上下功夫,取得了显著成效。     精心打造“党建路桥工程”品牌,搭建党支部党性实践活动平台     一是创新机制,调动基
【Abstract】This is a comparative study of the classroom instructions applied by novice and veteran teachers in senior high school English reading class. It aims to investigate the effectiveness of clas